
Parents Are To Be Educated (Sometimes)

How educated are the Romanian parents? I asked Martha Iliescu, the president of the organization Our Children, while I was looking for material for an editorial about teen mothers. I am told that, according to the survey Knowledge, skills and parental practices in Romania,

Two Wonder-Kids And A Female Cannibal

The jurist Matei Monorai lives nearby. If you'd hear him plead in court, you would not hesitate to call him Matei Golden Mouth. Ambrozie is on his way over, to ask Matei to plead for Vornicu, who has been sentenced to death. He arrives. Matei`s kids are playing outside,

The Story Of Pillet

The idea of founding a puppet theatre as a means of improving health education among children, and the relationship between doctors and their little patients came from a long way off. I had read a book by Sergey Obraztsov, one of the best known and appreciated Russian puppeteers.

Investigation Among Minors

excerpts THREE KM. FROM A. , A BEND IN THE ROAD… N. R. 6 (National Road 6) goes exactly through the centre of the small town of A. Three kilometers from the railway gate, after going over the railway tracks which unite this part of the country with Bucharest (distance:

Romanians' Childhood: Analyzing A Big Question

How on earth have we survived our childhood? If you were a child in the 60s, 70s or early 80s, how did you manage to survive? From early childhood on we would travel in buses and cars with neither seatbelts nor airbags… a trip in the trailer of a lorry was a remarkable

The Bystroye Canal In The Ukrainian Danube Delta

SUMMARY On May 11 2004, the Ukrainian government officially launched the construction of a canal to aid shipping through the Danube Delta. The actual digging started on 16 May 2004. The Government has chosen a route called the Bystroye Canal that will cut through the heart

The Danube Delta - Landscape Of The Year 2007/2009

click  LANDSCAPE OF THE YEAR – AN ONGOING PROJECT OF FRIENDS OF NATURE INTERNATIONALEvery two years since 1989, Friends of Nature International (FNI) has designated a European cross-border region of ecological value as Landscape of the Year. The project takes up the current

International Relations

INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION Since the declaration of the Danube Delta and its geo-morphological appendages as a Biosphere Reserve in 1990, specialist environmental protection institutions from abroad have displayed interest in developing collaborative relations with the

The Maritime Cemetery Of Sulina

I enter Sulina as one would enter a myth; that is to say, I have that feeling of chimerical quality, of life heightened into memory. The ship sets anchor, therefore I find myself at Sulina, the gateway to the Delta, watching the white countenance of the town, the neatly

Sulina In History

Today, Sulina is Romania's easternmost port. It is easy to find on any map of the world: one merely has to trace the course of the Danube to the point where it empties into the sea. There, at the river's end, on a spit of land, a group of people settled and prospered,

Anonimul 2007

The Anonimul International Independent Film Festival celebrated its fourth birthday in 2007, a critical year seeing as many did not give the festival much chance of success due to the fact that, according to the naysayers, it took place in the middle of nowhere. In fact,

Autumn Survey

My dear friends, I have arrived safe and sound at Portiţa. That's what the people from around here call it: Portiţa, not Gura Portiţei (at the barracks in Tulcea I saw some maps upon which other variations were written: Protiţcaja and Portisza Mündung; rather odd,