
The Balletto Classico Company In Bucharest

Should we try to mark on the map of Europe the places where, during the last twenty years, the first Romanian ballet masters have been shining, whose names figure in international dictionaries of dance, we would have to cover the map from Stuttgart to the Canary Islands

Interview With Magdalena Popa

Art critics acclaimed Magdalena Popa: She is one of the most dazzling stars of the century. She was regarded as a goddess of this art. Her small body expressed grace, a sort of ritual noblesse. Born in Bucharest, she graduated from the High School of Choreography and then

Editor's Note

The origins of dance are prehistoric, but rhythm, mimetism, balance, harmony, grace have gradually turned into a genuine art, perhaps the most liberating. The art of dance requires countless qualities: talent, musicality and musical culture, good physical shape and endurance,

Jungle: The Daily Dose Of Excess

excerpts Unfortunately, in this country we talk, but do not communicate, in the sense of a science of communication. This is particularly obvious in the public area, where people do not express thanks, do not salute, and address each other on familiar terms without justification.

High-Born, Low-Born

excerpts Many were the reasons of marriage in the countryside once, but the most important was the family of the chosen one. If the family – the seedling – was bad, the young people from such families had a hard time getting married, and only exceptional personal merits

The Psychology Of The Romanian People

Chapter XII. The Current [1907] Psychological Traits of the Romanian PeopleAll foreigners that visited the Romanian countries were unpleasantly struck by the negative traits of our character. They don't care, says Mr. X. Marmier, for the name of their master. What they

The Psychology Of The Romanian People

Chapter XI. The Reforms of Romanian Institutions and their Psychological Consequences If, by using a certain amount of imagination, logic and common-sense, we reconstruct mentally what Romanians' life in the Carpathian or Balkan Mountains might have been, we easily


RECORDINGS WITH ORCHESTRAS ABROAD Orchestra Author Work Company 1. Radio Berlin Orchestra Haydn Symphonies 94, 103 CD Electrecord 2. Radio Berlin Orchestra Rossini – Respighi, de Falla La boutique fantasque, LPElectrecord The Three-Cornered Hat, Suites 1 and 2 3. Radio

Horia Andreescu The Radioman

One of the most important orchestras in Europe. This is how a Spanish newspaper described the Romanian Radio-Television Orchestra after a concert when it opened the 1993 Santander festival, an international get-together rounded off this year by the Scala Orchestra under

Horia Andreescu

Born: October 18, 1946 in Brasov, Romania Studies: MusicHigh School in Brasov; Academy of Music, Bucharest (Professor Constantin Bugeanu – conducting, Professor Stefan Niculescu – composition); Academy of Music, Vienna (Professors: Hans Swarowsky and Karl Oesterreicher;Mastership

The Master Of Romanian First Auditions

There is a hidden passion in revealing the Romanian first absolute auditions that characterize conductor Horia Andreescu, the artisan of some essential scores of autochthonous contemporary symphonism. Besides the unknown Symphony No. 5 by George Enescu, discovered, re-orchestrated

Thank You, Maestro!

I count myself to the category of performers who do not deem themselves as conductor-addicted, nevertheless, it is hard for me to clarify the feeling I sense when I assert this. Maybe, it is a matter of tribute to the Lord, to Whose unique credit destiny willed that I master