Radu aldulescu

12 Nov 2008

Viena citeşte România

În perioada 17 – 23 noiembrie are loc la Viena Săptămâna Lecturii şi Târgul de Carte – BuchWien08, eveniment aflat anul acesta la cea de a 61a ediţie. ICR Viena, în parteneriat cu Asociaţia KulturKontakt, Uniunea Scriitorilor din Austria şi Centrul de Expoziţii

27 Oct 2007

România la a 26-a ediţie a Târgului Internaţional de Carte de la Istanbul

România este prezentă la Târgul Internaţional de Carte TÜYAP de la Istanbul (27 octombrie- 4 noiembrie 2007) printr-un stand organizat de Institutul Cultural Român Dimitrie Cantemir –İstanbul şi prin alte evenimente susţinute de Institut. La cea de-a 26-a ediţie

Lettre Internationale nr. 109 / primăvara 2019

A apărut noul număr, 109, al revistei Lettre Internationale, editată de Institutul Cultural Român. SUMAR 109 Retrospective Șerban Pavelescu – Steaua norocoasă a României . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lesley Chamberlain – Revoluția rusă

Nr. 80-81 / iarnă 2011 - primăvară 2012

Sumar nr. 80-81 RetrospectiveNicolae Manolescu – Amintiri din lumea comunistă Livius Ciocârlie – Răspuns la o întrebare pe care nu mi-o pun Emmanuel Carrère – Limonov Dincolo de evenimentJohn Lanchester – Cum am fost cu toţii induşi în eroare Aristos Doxiadis

O lume văzută de la Ierusalim. Alte întâlniri la Cercul Cultural din Ierusalim 2007-2013

O lume văzută de la Ierusalim Alte întâlniri la Cercul Cultural din Ierusalim 2007-2013 Organizate de Costel Safirman și Leon Volovici Consemnate și editate de Costel Safirman ISBN: 978-973-577-658-9 Cuprins Cuvânt înainte 1. TEME ȘI REFLECȚII Miturile Europei

The International George Enescu Festival Tradition And The Romanian Athenaeum - The Symbol Building For Romanian Musical Culture

In the heart of Romania's Capital stands the monumental building of the Romanian Athenaeum, the symbolic edifice of the most significant musical events ever since 1889 and, at the same time, the cradle of the International George Enescu Festival. There is no musical


On 20 November 1921 an enthusiastic letter written by the poet Cincinat Pavelescu is published in Rampa, a letter which we see fit to transcribe in full: Dear Mr. Editor in Chief, My life's absorbing activities of incessant work at the head of a newspaper without any

New Literary Sincerity

It was not easy for Romanian literature to evolve up to Ioana Bradea's novel, to its so provokingly violent title (itself a sophisticated, impudent blend of meanings and connotations as long as the dictionary designates just one object: a pipe)! And to think that once

The Almsmonger's Lover

excerpt After the snow, the numbers in the grounds of the church had grown scarce. The people did not have warm clothes, and notably not a thing to cover their feet. Then the blizzard commenced. When spring was drawing near, Mite would learn that uncle Minele had expired

The Almsmonger's Lover

excerpt They'd dozed off. The devilish furnace of the sun was blazing fiercely. They were positively stewing as through the shadow cast by their soles two Gypsy women walked by, bent under the burden of a galvanized bucket with a chunk of ice protruding from it. Ice-cold

The Lord Of The Baton In the Land Of The Delta

If you had the job of a customs officer in the Danube's ports at the end of the 19th century, this meant that you had to go from Sulina to Galaţi and from Giurgiu to Corabia and, to be sure, Leonte Georgescu was not spared such compulsory travels required by his position;