
The Child Is Another Soul

In the Balkans full of various mythologies, it is said that nobody can move faster than angels[1] when it comes to passing from one human being to another, thus populating the earth. Yet angelic beings are not among the early manifestations of our national imagery. Romanians

Ethnicity And Imagination In The Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is a land inhabited by Romanians coming from Transylvania, Moldavia and Oltenia (Little Walachia), as well as by people who came here from Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. There seem to be two causes that led to this ethnic mosaic: a political one –

Andrei Marga, președinte 2012-2013

Andrei Marga: autor al volumelor Crizele modernităţii târzii (Editura Academiei Române, 2012); The Destiny of Europe (Editura Academiei Române, 2011); Absolutul astăzi. Teologia şi filosofia lui Joseph Ratzinger (Eikon, 2011); Challenges, Values and Vision. The University