Paul celan


„Triumful României şi „noii regi ai festivalurilor – ZIARUL DE DUMINICĂ6 ianuarie 2012 Pe 29 decembrie Furia (foto 4) şi pe 30, Boogie (foto 5), cele două filme ale lui Radu Muntean, programate la Filmoteca din Madrid, încheie Zilele filmului românesc organizate

Nr. 69 - primăvara 2009

SUMAR Nr. 69 Centenar Eugen Ionescu Adrian Mihalache – Blog-notes din lumea cealaltă Pagini autobiografice Corespondenţă Ingeborg Bachmann – Paul Celan – Un timp al inimii Gabriela Melinescu – Copil de duminică Ion Vianu – Pomul de Crăciun Dincolo

A Showcase For Kalodont

Gregor von Rezzori has never been part of Romanian-German literature, a fact regretted even beyond his death. The writer, who was born in 1914 in Czernowitz and died in 1998 in his home in Florence, would have, nonetheless, met some of the conditions for qualification. But,

Breve Confesion

Tengo ganas de escribir sólo cuando estoy en un estado explosivo, con fiebre o en crispación, en un estupor convertido en frenesí, en un clima de disputas en el cual las invectivas reemplazan las bofetadas y los golpes. Esto suele comenzar así: un leve temblor que va

1940-1947. The Romanian Surrealist Group

The message addressed to international surrealism. Theoretical contributions and techniques proposed by the Romanian surrealists Between 1938-1940, two young Romanian poets, Gellu Naum and Gherasim Luca, were in Paris – Naum to study philosophy, and Luca as the precarious

On Multiculturalism

South Pacific, December 1999 To be a Romanian writer (therefore in the minority) in New Zealand! Ibi patria, ubi – wife. In New Zealand, I think about the confluence of our lives. We come from so far apart, we meet unexpectedly, we link our lives, our fates together.

On Minority Writers

The idea to bring together in one volume (be it even one issue of a prestigious publication) excerpts from the works of ethnic minority writers seems to me generous and even necessary. From the very beginning, one characteristic distinction appears useful to me. Since this

On Minorities' Literature

In Romania, no less than 18 minorities live alongside the majority population, having more or less weight. This has favored – especially in some cases – a very interesting and significant cultural melting pot process, the birth of an extremely rich and diversified cultural


Lilac-less is your hair, your beautiful face in the looking glass. From one eye to the other glides the cloud, like Sodom toward Babel:like leafage it scatters the tower and foams round the sulfur thicket.  Then a lightning twitches your mouth – that den with violin splinters.

Death Fugue

Black milk of dawn we drink you in the eveningwe drink you at noon and in the morning and we drink you at nightwe drink and drinkwe dig a hole in the air where one lies comfortablyA man lives in the house who plays with the snakes and writeshe writes when it grows dark in

Jewish Identities In Interwar Bucovina

There were Jews in Bucovina even before its existence as a separate province. As early as the 18th century, some Jewish families in the German area looked for a better life in this northern part of Moldavia, which subsequently became Bucovina. Here they were given more protection