
The Beheaded Rooster

see movie trailer excerpt My grandfather was called Goldschmidt, H. H. I. G. Goldschmidt, and he came from Schirkanyen, near Fogarasch. He was a Saxon of Transylvania, coming from a family eight hundred years old! and, documents could prove it, a pure German for twenty five

My Rosenau In The Carpathians

I have always wondered why so many of those who happen to be born within the Carpathian arch, in Transylvania, have a sense of coming from a unique, privileged area, why they keep an enduring and unquestioned commitment to it whatever may happen in their lives, whether they

The German In Romanian Mentality

The character, or the characteristics, of a human collectivity, to the extent to which there can be such globalizing characteristics, have constructed, it is known, from the very beginning of history, just as many reasons that influenced the ideas one people made of the

History According To Spiro Zervas

Lend us some cash, do, till pay-day, now how's one supposed to react to such an entreaty, and at such short notice, too?, one may have or not have the money, but when one has an equally hard time making ends meet, when the gap between the lustre of respectability and

The Forgotten Mosilor (May Fair) Street

Mosilor Street, the modern thoroughfare of a Bucharest that struggles so hard to appear occidentalized and yet doesn't quite manage to: something Balkan, Levantine lingers in the atmosphere of the streets, in spite of the concrete ten-floor blocks, of the road with

An Armenian Who Changed The Destiny Of The Opera Oedipe: David Ohanesian

Through the centuries, the spiritual connection between Armenians and Romanians has been very close as far as the Romanian musical culture is concerned. It's enough to remember Carol Mikuli, Mihail Jora, Matei Socor, Emanoil Ciomac, Sergiu Malagamba, Nicolae Buicliu,

The Albanian Bucharest: From Merchant Elites To Cultural Elites

excerpts The gradual development of a cultural Moldo-Walachian elite of Albanian origin, that was able to manifest an awareness of the cultural identity of its origins through certain activities in this respect, an elite devoted to the idea of a modern and independent Albania,

Argument A Quatre Mains

 - Alexandru Matei, que signifie la France pour toi? - Je suis chez Leo, ou j'ai regardé l'affiche de O-Zone, qui est collée sur la porte de la salle de bain et je pensais que j'étais au moment où même la France pouvait être – hélas! – n'importe

Un Bucarestois A Paris, Un Parisien A Bucarest

Le peintre Theodor Pallady est né en 1871 à Jassy d'une ancienne famille de boyards moldaves, et il est mort à Bucarest en 1956. La soeur de son grand père, Basile Cantacuzino, était mariée à Puvis de Chavannes. Pourtant, l'éducation de Pallady commence


IXRome (Hôtel d'Europe), 11 octobre 1870. Ma chère Sacha, . . . C'est ma première journée de Rome! J'ai passé la nuit dernière en chemin de fer, partageant un coupé à banquettes pour dormir avec une jeune Autrichien que j'ai rencontré à la

Un Amour Par Correspondance: Alexandre Et Sacha Odobescu

L'écrivain Al. Odobescu appartenait à l'aristocratie roumaine et, conséquemment, avait été, dés son enfance, soigneusement éduqué par des gouvernantes et des précepteurs étrangers. Il a poursuivi ses études en France, à l'époque où Louis Bonaparte

Les Bonnets De La Comtesse

PERSONNAGES ____ La Comtesse Alice d'Irmont, jeune veuve. Armand de Brème, son cousin, officier de marine. Le Prince Béreznine. Le Baron de Graenzfeld. Juliette, femme de chambre, sœur de lait de la Comtesse. Un laquais. ____ La scène se passe à Paris. – Un