
Alain Cophignon - George Enescu, 2009, 590 p.

Lucrarea monografică George Enescu (publicată în Franţa la Editura Fayard în 2006 şi apărută acum la Editura Institutului Cultural Român în traducerea Ancăi-Domnica Ilea) urmăreşte cronologic biografia muzicianului şi activitatea sa artistică, bogat ilustrată

NR. 68 - iarna 2008-2009

SUMAR NR. 68 Pagini autobiografice Sergio Benvenuto – A fost odată la Paris Matei Călinescu – File de jurnal Dincolo de eveniment Svetlana Alexievich – Securea şi călăul Felicia Antip – Criza Rafael Gumucio – Strigoi basci Cihan Tugal – Înverzirea

Augustin Ioan (coordonator) - Influenţe franceze în arhitectura şi arta din România secolelor XIX şi XX - Ediţie bilingvă (română-franceză), 2006, 154 p.

Volumul reuneşte contribuţiile autorilor Ana Maria Zahariade (Influenţe franceze asupra arhitecturii din România), Bogdan Andrei Ferzi (Micul Paris, între mit şi realitate), Augustin Ioan (Bucureşti ca Paristanbul, O obsesie autohtonă: arhitectura cu specific naţional?),

Jacques Bouët, Bernard Lortat-Jacob, Speranţa Rădulescu - Din răsputeri. Glasuri şi cetere din Ţara Oaşului, 2006

Cartea este consacrată muzicii unei mici populaţii din nordul României: o muzică derutantă pentru auzul occidental, executată cu o vioară ţipătoare sau cântată în forţă în registrul supra-acut, cu o structură motivică şi o formă nedeterminată care l-a

The Skeptical Friend

How can you refute the arguments of the visiting friend who thinks that Bucharest is a city like any other and that besides the classical sightseeing there is nothing much to see? First you should draw up a list with all the things that impressed you in the capital: pubs,

Sunday Best

Cismigiu Gardens Every time I visit this place, I feel the same. Maybe it’s because the elegant flower beds, the winding paths and the chatter of happy kids. Or maybe it’s the young lovers who paddle rowing boats, the skeletal old ladies who gossip on benches of battered

Bucharest Days, A Popular Celebration

The inhabitants of Bucharest came out of their homes in great numbers last weekend to celebrate their city, on the anniversary of 549 years since its first being mentioned in a document. Over one hundred events, taking place in 30 locations, brought entertainment for every

Condemned To Noise

Newspapers have recently brought to us the information that Bucharest is one of the noisiest cities in Europe. When it comes to bad things, few people do a better job than us at reaching the superlative. As far as I am concerned, I did not need the press to identify the

Smells Of Bucharest

from left: rundown houses on Lipscani and Mosilor, Dimbovitza river from Hasdeu bridge, street in Cotroceni Bucharest smells exquisitely during the time of lindens and rain. Vigorously soaked for a half hour, the city heals even from the stenches that make you ill. Under

Sunday Morning. A Bourgeois Walk In A Post-Communist City

clockwise from top left: Smardan St. , Stavropoleos St. , Caru cu bere pub (2), Stavropoleos Church (3), Russian Church. Early Sunday morning before 10 A. M. , the city offers its first surprise. It is empty. The bare streets are visible in all their twisted length, without

Bucharest, Images From A Backpack

No matter how much you tried to humanize it, to make a mental projection of it as seen through a magic lens which deforms the world and makes it look more beautiful than it actually is, no matter how much you looked for its weaknesses, you'll never find a new vision,

Ferentari: Bits And Pieces

Photos by Dana Nicoleta Blyth After a while, the lions at the zoo start hunting flies, and the dolphins start jumping high even in the smallest swimming pool. No matter how fast he may live his life, sometimes man ends up being happy with less. Unless you have mean inclinations,