
Puppa Russa

Dies estexcerptsHe would kiss her and caress her breasts clutching them (as if her breasts were mere rubber balls), and he couldn't figure out just how much cheap male instinct, and how much true passion, was hiding behind his gestures. Those were the gestures of a


Law No. 196 of 13 May 2003 specifies that 'pornography means acts with an obscene character, as well as materials that reproduce or disseminate such acts. ' (Ch. I, Art. 2, Par. 1) If you don't know what 'obscene character' means, there you are:


I don't know what pornography has come to mean today, but I know what pornography is not. I recently saw the horrid TV broadcast against Ovidiu Verdes's book, the whole pathetic setup designed to compromise an author. I consider Musics and Tricks as one of the

Musics And Tricks

excerpt AAAGH, WHAT A NIGHTMARE! I jumped up and forgot it was Sunday. I was just about to get dressed and go to school, to find out if Hari had come to any harm; I was like one of those old biddies who dream I don't know what, a black pond or something, and then think

The Delta Danube Landscape In The Patrimony Of The Art Museum In Tulcea

The Art Museum Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea The Tulcea County Museum, established in 1950, was – almost naturally – a heterogeneous structure, whose painting collection contained the works of a single artist: Geo Cardaş, a local painter who depicted

Anonimul 2007

The Anonimul International Independent Film Festival celebrated its fourth birthday in 2007, a critical year seeing as many did not give the festival much chance of success due to the fact that, according to the naysayers, it took place in the middle of nowhere. In fact,

Descriptio Moldaviae (Description Of Moldavia)

CHAPTER 4 – ON THE REGIONS AND TOWNS OF MOLDAVIA excerpt 3. THE CHILIA REGION. Its most important fortress is Chilia[1], once named Lycostomon, situated at the western mouth of the Danube, to which the Greek seamen gave this name namely because the waves seemed to roll

The Truth About Romania's Children

(not for children's use) For many years after the fall of communism, the association between Romania and children meant a hellhole: European champions of neonatal and infant mortality (16. 7 % in 2003, down from 26. 9 % in 1990), juvenile AIDS (almost 9000 cases of

EURESIS / 2014

ArgumentWOLFGANG ISER – Culture: a recursive process CHRISTIAN MORARU – Cultural Studies Goes Global CĂLIN-ANDREI MIHĂILESCU – Unpacking knowledge JAN GORAK – Johnson on Shakespeare: The Use and Value of Spectatorship ANCA BĂICOIANU – Here, There, and Everywhere:

EURESIS no. 1-4 / 2009

Numărul consacrat în 1995 postmodernismului în cultura română s-a bucurat de o bună primire atât pe plan intern, cât şi extern. Astăzi, încă, studioşi ai literaturii şi culturii române din străinătate ne scriu întrebându-ne cum şi de unde ar putea să

Glasul Bucovinei Nr. 3-4 (83-84)/2014

Numărul se deschide cu tradiţionalul Dialog cu bucovinenii. Interlocutorul prof. univ. dr. Ilie Luceac este, de această dată, tânărul interpret bucovinean de muzică populară Ilie Caraş. Pentru Ucraina, anul 2014 a fost anul neliniştilor noastre. Morala minciunii

Reţeaua institutelor culturale româneşti, 2010

Reţeaua institutelor culturale româneşti, 2010 Echipa editorială: Ovidiu Dajbog-Miron, Raluca Doroftei, Ioana Leca, Adrian Spîrchez, Marilena Stanciu Design: Radu Manelici Traducător: Alistair Ian Blyth Direcţia Generală Institute Culturale Româneşti din