
Among The Collections Of The Emil Sigerus Transylvanian Saxon Ethnographic Museum In Sibiu

click here for Emil Sigerus museum Established in 1997, the museum is an institution which brings upfront the contribution that the Transylvanian Saxons made to the development and enrichment of Romanian and world culture in over 800 years of existence in Transylvania.

Collections Of The Astra Transylvanian Folk Civilization Museum

The museum is the beneficiary of the patrimony, programme, theme and structure of the Asociaţiunea (Association) Museum. The latter was the first museum of the Romanians in Transylvania, opened in 1905, then closed in 1950 out of political reasons. Inaugurated in 1993,

Victor Eftimiu

Would you please not rank me among collectors, although I pretend I am a connaisseur, in the meaning of the French word, academician Victor Eftimiu told me on one occasion in 1965, seated on a bergère, clad in a night gown, rather worn down but adorned with fine embroidery,


Just think that I paid it once, and it pays me off a lifetime instead. * Zambaccian on a canvas by Pallady Having great collectors represents as big a chance for a culture as having great artists. Flourishing arts are hardly imaginable when wealthy art-lovers are missing,

The Museum Of Art Collections

After having been closed for consolidation, restoration and reorganization, the Museum of Art Collections, housed by the former Romanit Palace, restores to circulation fourteen collections, exhibited in the building facing the Grivita Road. The building was closed in 1986

Virgil Cioflec

Virgil Cioflec, later to become a writer and a collector, stands out amongst the moral and financial supporters of the initiators and founders of Artistic Youth Society (December 1901). With some of its founders, Gheorghe Petraşcu, Ştefan Popescu, Kimon Loghi, Ipolit Strâmbulescu

Anastasie Simu

Simu Museum A conservative MP in the 1888, 1891 and 1899 parliament sessions, Anastasie Simu finally became tired of the Machiavellian political life in Romania at the end of the 19th century; realising he had no prospects to achieve momentous social and cultural events

Georges De Bellio, A Romanian Witness To The History Of The Painting Olympia

The year 1863 was full of events that had a significant impact on the artistic world of Paris. On the 24th of July, the new rule of the annual Salon, organized in the Palace of Industry, was announced. The rules were perceived as a way of waving the jury, formed only by

Georges De Bellio, A Romanian Physician, Admirer And Supporter Of Impressionist Painters

Before becoming fascinated with Impressionist painting, de Bellio already had a remarkable art collection, made of various objects purchased in auctions at Hotel Drouot or from Parisian antiquaries: furniture, old Dutch lamps, Italian drawings from the 17th century, sculptures

More Parisian Than The Parisians: Georges De Bellio

Everybody knows Monet's famous painting, Impression, sunrise. The canvas, considered to be Impressionism's manifest, due to its style and title (the latter was chosen to designate the group of artists who had the same style of painting and were united by the same

Georges De Bellio, Friend Of The Impressionists

In 1878, Theodore Duret quoted the names of several amateurs (rather few, actually) in order to prove a fact that might have seemed a paradox at the time, namely that people with a certain reputation appreciated artists like Claude Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley and Berthe

Georges De Bellio - A Contemporary Art Collector

Georges de Bellio, 1894 (oil on canvas) by Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931) Among phenomena adjacent to art, art collecting is known as representing a consequence of the rapports art-artist-society, and as quite sensitive to the evolution of style and society's conduct