
L’œuvre Littéraire, La Construction Intérieure Et La Reconstruction

Faute d'une explication préalable, le sous-titre[1] pourrait apparaître une contradiction in adjectu sinon comme une présupposition irrationnelle. Ainsi, devrions-nous élucider tout d'abord les termes conceptuels à tour de rôle et avec une patience que nous

Le Monde Homérique

ESSAI DE PROTOPHILOSOPHIE GRECQUELibrairie Philosophique, J. Vrin, Paris, 1934  INTRODUCTION Le plus ancien monument de la langue grecque qui soit conservé est celui des poèmes homériques. Ces poèmes sont peut-être aussi le produit le plus représentatif du génie

Autour De Tibère

Bucarest, 1944 II. LE TIBERE TACITEENUne étude de la figure de Tibère, telle qu'elle a été conçue par Tacite, doit commencer par la constatation qu'il n'existe pas, dans les six premiers livres des Annales, un portrait d'ensemble de ce prince. Ce

La Roumanie, Un Pays À La Frontière De L'Europe

ParisLes Belles Lettres2003 DES BALKANS A L'OCCIDENTJ'ai tracé, dans leurs grandes lignes, les événements cruciaux de la moitié du siècle, de 1821 à 1866. Mais à la même période s'engage un profond processus qui modifie non seulement les bases politiques,

Nationally-Specific Art In Interwar Romania

Art history is usually at ease when imposing its own concepts and technical terminology upon an apparently unconscious body of visual accomplishments called works of art. For art historians and art critics, art seemingly exists in order for theorists to put words on it and

Historical Ideas And Forms, 1919

Four Inaugural Lecturesexcerpts TWI ENI KAI PANTI 1. Our Life's DutyLecture to open the courses on Ancient History and The History of the Arts, held in the winter semester of MCMXIX-MCMXX at the University of Cluj, read on II November MCMXIX From one day to the next,

The Transfiguration Of Romania, 1936

excerpts Chapter II: The Romanian Adamism  Oh God! What have we been doing for a thousand years?! All our life, ever since a century ago, is nothing but the process through which we realized we actually did nothing… the comparison with what was accomplished in other countries

The Mioritic Space, 1936

excerpts Cultural Differences The Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox spirits were favorable to different kinds of culture, each for itself and from its part. Catholicism favored the cultural creation that presupposes a massive creative front that is organized in one direction.

Proto-History Or The Middle Ages

The European nations are divided into two main groups: those which had a glorious Middle Ages period out of whose crises the Renaissance came out, and those which had a minimal, insignificant, derived one. The former created most of the civil, spiritual and cultural history

The Red Scarf

excerpt  Is that what it says? dashed Redhead at Tindei, grabbing him by the jacket's lapels. Does it say I've been to the vineyard? No. . . not that. . . you were just. . . mentioned as a. . . as an example! Tindei answered frightened, almost chocking and with

Ion Creangă Theater

www. teatrulioncreanga. ro Manager of Ion Creangă Theatre Ion Creangă is a children's theater whose shows are inspired from fundamental themes of childhood mythology and oriented towards culture and education. The current repertoire includes: Pinocchio, Puss in Boots,

Across The Border

THE CLASS TEACH' You don't fool me, Ghiţulescu! You've got Kents, bless your wallet! Throw one over, 'cause I'm poor, my mother's unemployed and keeps me only on shots of glucose, she has no food to give me. Come ooooooon, please! Ghiţulescu