
Sergiu Anghel

I made my debut in 1974. I had graduated from high school the year before and in the summer of '73 Adina Cezar, Nataşa Trăistaru, Anca Mândrescu, Cristian Crăciun and I decided to establish a contemporary dance troupe. As far as I am concerned, the decision to put


A first attempt at collecting in a book texts on personalities of Romanian dance or who have spent a decisive stage in their formation within the framework and in the atmosphere of a Romanian school is bound to be controversial. Although partial and subjective, the present

Musical Summer In Europe

Schwerin Founded by Heinrich der Lowe in 1160, the city today is worthy of its eight-century tradition. It abounds in vestiges – proudly and understandingly nurtured – of a history that is comprehensive in what regards the cultivation of music, too. The notes that I

The Master Of Romanian First Auditions

There is a hidden passion in revealing the Romanian first absolute auditions that characterize conductor Horia Andreescu, the artisan of some essential scores of autochthonous contemporary symphonism. Besides the unknown Symphony No. 5 by George Enescu, discovered, re-orchestrated

Echoes: Excerpts From The Farewell Concert

In an obituary published in the Tages Anzeiger of Zurich, Mario Gerteis draws a suggestive portrait of Celibidache in his youth. A nervous fiery ball, halfway between histrionics and insight, between passion and obsession. His dark locks hanging over his face in disorder,

The Last Saint Of Music

Among all 20th-century great Romanian conductors, indubitably the most extravagant, original, paradoxical maestro of the baton remained Sergiu Celibidache. Perhaps only Herbert von Karajan enjoyed the status of absolute star during his life time as the Romanian conductor

Caminante, Anticaminante (Traveler, Anti-Traveler)

Nighttime in Mérida. A restaurant whose name I don't know. Two singers dressed in Mexican costumes are singing on the platform. Caminante, / Caminante, / Walking on our roads,The ancient roads/ of Mayab…How can we translate this word caminante? Traveler? No, I don't

Still, What Is A Collection?

Employment of the words collection and collector seems to have a settled semantic buttressing and clarity in all its meanings. I do not think that there is such a collector who would look for an established definition of these terms in encyclopaedias. A collector is confident

Victor Eftimiu

Would you please not rank me among collectors, although I pretend I am a connaisseur, in the meaning of the French word, academician Victor Eftimiu told me on one occasion in 1965, seated on a bergère, clad in a night gown, rather worn down but adorned with fine embroidery,

The Beatrice And Hrandt Avakian Collection

22 Spătarului Street, Bucharest (see also in Romanian with illustration)  The siblings Béatrice and Hrandt Avakian set up their collections independently, nevertheless evincing a shared predilection towards Eastern art, to be accounted for among others, perhaps, by the

Virgil Cioflec

Virgil Cioflec, later to become a writer and a collector, stands out amongst the moral and financial supporters of the initiators and founders of Artistic Youth Society (December 1901). With some of its founders, Gheorghe Petraşcu, Ştefan Popescu, Kimon Loghi, Ipolit Strâmbulescu

Georges De Bellio, A Romanian Physician, Admirer And Supporter Of Impressionist Painters

Before becoming fascinated with Impressionist painting, de Bellio already had a remarkable art collection, made of various objects purchased in auctions at Hotel Drouot or from Parisian antiquaries: furniture, old Dutch lamps, Italian drawings from the 17th century, sculptures