Nicolae iorga

Gabriela Omăt - Modernismul literar românesc în date (1880-2000) şi texte (1880-1949), 2 volume, antologie (vol.1 - 676p, vol.2 - 422 p), 2009

„Teoretizat şi relansat de către E. Lovinescu într-o celebră suită de cărţi, cele mai controversate şi mai definitorii pentru interbelicul românesc, modernismul devine, şi rămâne în tot restul secolului, la noi, un reper tipologic şi chiar un criteriu subînteles

Nicolae Iorga - Adevărul asupra trecutului şi prezentului Basarabiei (1914-1940), 2008, 280 p.

Cartea de faţă reuneşte diferite tipuri de lucrări ale marelui istoric romîn: note zilnice, broşuri, conferinţe, capitole sau fragmente de cărţi de sine stătătoare care gravitează, cu toatele, în jurul unui subiect extrem de sensibil pentru N. Iorga: Basarabia

The Past: Plus Quam Perfectum

Bucharest is a city in search of identity. Its precise moment of birth is unknown, for the Cetatea Dîmboviţei of the 14th and 15th centuries only played host to its rulers when they occasionally came to ward off threats from south of the Danube or Hungarian attacks form

What I Understand By A Capital

clockwise from top left: Coltei Church, Manuc's Inn, St. Anthony's Old Court Church, Metropolitan Church, Mihai Voda Church, Cretzulescu Church, St. Apostles' Church, St. George's Church. The administrative efforts that very enthusiastic and dedicated

Los Judios Españoles - Prefacio

El año 1492, a la vez con el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo, ha representado un paso gigantesco en la historia de la humanidad. Pero, al mismo tiempo, es la fecha de un acontecimiento que ha marcado profundamente y para siempre el futuro de España, ya que en aquel entonces

Con Los Rumanos De Barcelona: Sobre La Identidad Etnica Y ¿Mundializacion (Globalizacion)?

Aa lo largo del período de su estancia en España, Vintila Horia el exiliado, se sintió como si estuviese en su antigua casa que había vuelto a encontrar (Vintila Horia fue un europeo nacido en Rumanía y arraigado en España, que edita en París, Roma y Madrid sus novelas

The 20th Century - The Century Of Avant-Garde

The year 1900. Europe's countries are divided on the question: does the 20th century begin in 1900 or in 1901? Some opt for 1900, by virtue of the change in the figure of the hundreds. Others are partisans of 1901, for reasons of more sophisticated arithmetic. Particular

On Multiculturalism

South Pacific, December 1999 To be a Romanian writer (therefore in the minority) in New Zealand! Ibi patria, ubi – wife. In New Zealand, I think about the confluence of our lives. We come from so far apart, we meet unexpectedly, we link our lives, our fates together.

Three Controversial Books

What is one supposed to understand by image and to what extent should one take it to heart? Physiologically, the image is the consciousness one is left with about an absent object. It is, therefore, the opposite of perception, i. e. representation of a present object. In


So they felled an old fir tree because it gave too much shade… Nicolae Iorga was the Romanian scholar par excellence whose only lifetime joy was the joy of books, and whose only ambition was to uplift the letters of his kin. by Perpessicius

History Of The Romanians - Before Decebalus

CHAPTER I 1. The Dacian Offensive: His Majesty, Decebalus  Long had Rome been dealing with this headstrong Dacian people; but, having had them for some time encircled closely by other barbarians and guarded by ships on the Danube, whose function was mainly political,

Nicolae Iorga And Music

It comes as no surprise that a genuinely encyclopedic spirit of Nicolae Iorga's caliber, conversant with history, literature, religion, church, army, commerce, education, trades, guilds, arts, etc. , etc. , should be passionate about music. His existence was markedly