

One of the reasons why the Danube Delta has become a biosphere reservation is because, in comparison with the other deltas of Europe and even the rest of the world, it has preserved a higher level of biodiversity, whereby we understand a large number of species from a large

The History And Archeology Museum Of Tulcea

The History and Archeology Museum (HAM) is a main component of the Institute for Ecomuseum Research, Tulcea (IER). Although it was practically established in 1975 by the permanent history and archeology exhibition at the former Danube Delta Museum, inside an edifice located

The Danube Delta In The Modern Age

The desire to possess the navigable channel and to exploit the richness of the Danube Valley has generated many military conflicts and diplomatic disputes, which have permanently marked the history of the people settled on its banks. During the first half of the 19th century,

The Book Of The Danube

excerpt Further down from Isaccea, at Ceatal, the Delta begins, as the Danube splits into the Chilia Arm, which flows along the Bessarabian bank. Downstream, after Tulcea, there is another Ceatal, whence the Danube splits in two: the Sulina Arm and the St George Arm. Let

Descriptio Moldaviae (Description Of Moldavia)

CHAPTER 4 – ON THE REGIONS AND TOWNS OF MOLDAVIA excerpt 3. THE CHILIA REGION. Its most important fortress is Chilia[1], once named Lycostomon, situated at the western mouth of the Danube, to which the Greek seamen gave this name namely because the waves seemed to roll

The Danube Delta From 800 To 1900

The Delta has undergone tremendous changes over the centuries. The oldest written sources, from the Greek-Roman times, concur only partly; yet in majority they offer hints of modifications. Numerous ancient references have been used to identify and track down geo-morphologic

A Short History Of A Few Settlements In the Danube Delta

Museum of History and Archeology Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea An insight into the written sources related to Dobruja shows that life has been continuous and constant in the historic dwelling places of this area. This statement is valid for the settlements

The Delta Dictionary

excerpts Abroad. An incredibly large number of young people have gone abroad. To study, to work. The ego of those living in the countryside is much bigger. On entering Sarinasuf, there is only the sign marking the exit from the village. The sign that marks the entrance

The Delta - Reality And Symbol

I've only been to the Danube Delta a couple of times in my relatively long existence: the first time was at the end of the 50's, when I dwelt in the Sfantu Gheorghe (Saint George) area, at an observation resort belonging to the Romanian Academy, a resort that was

Delta And Anti-Delta

The Danube flows in accordance with all theories and definitions. After crossing Europe, it flows into the Black Sea, forming a delta which conforms entirely to the general definition of a delta. Over the centuries, the Danube had many other names: Danubius, Istrus, Histru,

The Danube Delta

At the end of the Danube, where the 2859-kilometre river meets the Black Sea, there lies the youngest land in Romania, in part formed only in the last two millennia: the Danube Delta. As a matter of interest, we should mention that in the immediate vicinity can be found

The Danube Delta As A Living Environment And Its Biological Characteristics

excerpt The principal characteristic of the Danube Delta, a region in which water predominates over land, resides in the preponderance of aquatic organisms. From a scientific point of view, nor are the non-flooding land areas of the Delta lacking in interest, such as the