
Bucharest Meet Amsterdam

Life is nothing but a perpetual interrogation mark placed above that strange and intriguing image of our very own childhood… and where does it even start to provoke our conscience? Remember that grumpy and oversized street, your everyday neighbors that couldn't restrain

Festival Of Urban Art Architectural Projections

Press ReleaseSeptember 16, 2008 The Artmix Cultural Association (www. artmix. ro) announces the launch of the second Festival of Urban Art Architectural Projections, which will be held in the night of September 20, 2008 as of 10 PM in Constitution Square and University

Bucharest – Fragments In A Box

At Atelier 35 Gallery, Bucharest, 4-18 July 2008 The history of the peep boxThe increasing need for education, information and images in the course of social upheaval and trends of enlightenment in the 18th century made the peep box (German: Guckkasten) popular. Through

Proposal: To Rename Bucharest As Sadrest

Go take a walk down the boulevards of Bucharest these days and breathe deeply. With your nostrils widely open. What a wonderful scent of spring! Without feeling it, in this package made up of the perfume of snowdrops and violets, you have just breathed in some sulfur oxides,

Bucharest – Little Summit In Paris

I hadn't wanted to leave Bucharest during the NATO summit (2-4 April, 2008). Why should I have left? I'd have left after and not before it. To me Bucharest seems to be now exactly how it should be all the time. Less traffic in the center, more traffic on the outskirts

Grigore Antipa In The Bucharest Of The Beginning Of The 20th Century

Grigore Antipa Museum of Natural History Having returned to the country after finishing his studies his studies and his PhD. thesis, awarded summa cum laude at the famous University of Jena, on 1 April 1893 Dr. Grigore Antipa was appointed director of the Zoology department

A Tale Of A City

Dimbovitza river from Izvor bridge, Old Court ruins, Patriarchate Palace, old house on Gabroveni St. Romania's capital city Bucharest lies in the south-eastern part of the country: there, several centuries ago, the Vlasia Forests were reigning, from which just a few

El Baile, Ideologia De Un Cuerpo Secreto

Coreógrafa En cada lenguaje de gestos confiados al escenario hay una retórica, que funciona gracias a la alternancia de un texto cerrado y un texto abierto, según senalarían Dubois, Edelin o Minguet o al estructurar el baile como una «obra abierta», según teoretizaba

Cuando Estoy En El Tablado Es Como Si Estuviera En Un Templo

Entrevista con y sobre GELU BARBUpublicada en CURIERUL ROMÂNESC(El Mensajero rumano)Año XV, nr. 10 (201), octubre de 2003 El arte del espectáculo auténtico es y seguirá siendo un mundo fascinante, por doquiera y cuando quiera, que a todos nos hace falta. El espejismo

Obras Maestras Españolas, Pintor Griego, Gusto Germanico, Museo Rumano

El Museo Nacional de Arte de Bucarest tiene, aunque pueda resultar sorprendente para esta parte de Europa, una buena sección de arte español antiguo. La pintura de la contrarreforma se pone de manifiesto en la obra maestra de Alonso Cano, Cristo en la columna que causó

El Festival Internacional George Enescu XVIa Edicion, 7-24 De Septiembre De 2003, Bucarest, Rumania

El Festival George Enescu ha llegado a ser en la vida de muchos de nosotros un punto de referencia de mayor importancia. Esperado siempre con impaciencia, nos reúne, nos suscita el sentido estético, nos incita a comparaciones o evaluaciones, nos implica y nos compromete


Hoy, cuando estamos todos entrenados en un vertiginoso y perpetuo movimiento, apresurados para llegar adonde nisiquiera nosotros mismos sabemos, quedan sin embargo cosas que se apartan de este perpetuo desplazamiento en el tiempo, clavadas en lo más hondo de nuestro ser,