
27 Sep 2007

A 17-a Oaie. Nopţile României în Yafo

În perioada 29 septembrie – 1 octombrie 2007, cu ocazia sărbătorii evreieşti a corturilor (Succot), are loc festivalul A 17-a Oaie. Nopţile României în Yafo, eveniment organizat de Institutul Cultural Român din Tel Aviv, Muzeul Ţăranului Român şi Primăria

Without ©

There's moths cooking in the lampshade… the spider web connects the bed sheet to the floor……in my bed of planks, with silk bedding, with swan down… From: arian21x@yahoo. comTo: flu_viu_mm@yahoo. com A (neo)bohemian is living in Bucharest and doesn't imagine

Scientific Tourism In The Danube Delta

Cultural tourism, with one of its most attractive variants – scientific tourism – has lately been gaining ground all over the world, being one the few forms of knowledge that unite relaxation and delight with a broadening of one's intellectual horizon. In its complexity

Unraveling The Delta's Treasure

excerpts Whether you travel through the Delta on water, or view it from the air (from a helicopter or a plane), the reed is the dominant element of the landscape. It occupies a foremost position in the Delta's treasure, and constitutes an immense source of richness.


One of the reasons why the Danube Delta has become a biosphere reservation is because, in comparison with the other deltas of Europe and even the rest of the world, it has preserved a higher level of biodiversity, whereby we understand a large number of species from a large