Les Mathématiques A Paris Au Moyen Age
L'œuvre mathématique du moyen âge parisien aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles a été ignorée en grande partie jusqu'à la fin du siècle dernier. C'est surtout Pierre Duhem qui a déchiré le voile de notre ignorance, en nous présentant des savants de premier
Mémoire Sur La Possibilité De Réglementer Par Voie D’entente Internationale L’exploitation Des Richesses De La Mer
Le Comité d'experts pour la codification progressive du droit international de la Société des Nations a eu, à coup sûr, une heureuse idée, qui répondait à un besoin très ressenti, en portant sur la liste provisoire des matières de droit international, dont
L'Art Roumain De 1800 A Nos Jours
Editeur: John KroonA. B. Malmö LjustrycksanstaltMalmö (Suede)1935 L'ART DU XIXe SIECLE I. CONDITIONS HISTORIQUES, RENOVATION MORALEEntre le XIXe siècle et la fin du siècle précédent, dans le domaine de l'art comme dans tant d'autres, il y a en Roumanie
Historical Ideas And Forms, 1919
Four Inaugural Lecturesexcerpts TWI ENI KAI PANTI 1. Our Life's DutyLecture to open the courses on Ancient History and The History of the Arts, held in the winter semester of MCMXIX-MCMXX at the University of Cluj, read on II November MCMXIX From one day to the next,
The Earth
If I remember well, we've never been underneath the Earth's shell. We'll take now a tour of sorts, in just a few words. The dashing prince lets himself slide all the way underground on a rope made from the bark of the tallest lime tree around. He goes down
excerpts Sulina – named after the chief of a Cossack horde – is the gateway to the Danube. Hereabouts, the grain went out and the gold came in. The key to this gateway passed during the course of time from one pocket to another, after endless battles, by arms and by
Little Fingers
excerpts The wind is chilly and it is as though it has a taste, a taste of mulberries. The boat passes by a white poplar. Over the water hang scattered streaks of haze, whelps of mist. The boat leaves behind it a row of dwarf willows. What a bluish-black night, like ink!
Director of the Institute for Ecomuseum Research, Tulcea The ruins near Murighiol village, in Tulcea County, have been known since the end of the previous century. Several chance discoveries, but especially the discussions regarding the ancient name of the fortress, have