
16 Apr 2012 - 18 Apr 2012

România la Târgul Internațional de Carte de la Londra – London Book Fair 2012

România va fi prezentă la ediția din acest an a Târgului Internațional de Carte de la Londra, în perioada 16-18 aprilie 2012, cu un stand național organizat, pentru al cincilea an consecutiv, de Institutul Cultural Român prin Centrul Național al Cărții. La stand

21 Nov 2008 - 25 Nov 2008

ICR la Gaudeamus

Institutul Cultural Român vă aşteaptă la Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus cu cele mai noi titluri publicate, precum şi cu numere recente ale revistelor Lettre Internationale, Plural şi Euresis. În ultimul an, Editura Institutului Cultural Român a publicat o serie de albume

21 Nov 2007

Institutul Cultural Român la Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus

Institutul Cultural Român vine la Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus (21-25 noiembrie, Romexpo) cu peste 100 de titluri, între care ediţii bilingve, cu publicaţii care se bucură de o prestigioasă carte de vizită şi cu o direcţie nouă: Centrul Cărţii. Structură creată

Personajele feminine ale lui William Shakespeare, readuse la viață pe scena teatrală a ICR Londra

Piesa “FEAST - A Play in One Cooking” va fi reprezentată în seria teatrală organizată de Institutului Cultural Român din Londra care continuă, în 11 aprilie, pentru cea de-a doua seară consecutiv.  Produs de compania britanică Parrabbola în regia lui Philip

Slow Beasts, Easy Life

See Gallery One would wonder why the ox is so preferred by most of the Romanian landscape painters at the turn of the century. One reason is a name, Barbizon. Both Nicolae Grigorescu and Ion Andreescu, the leaders of the generation, were configuring their artistic project

Urban Memory: Museums Of The Romanian Capital

1st row: National History Museum, Old Court Museum, Archeology Museum (detail), National Museum of Art2nd row: Collections Museum, Zambaccian Museum, Theodor Aman Museum, Gh. Tattarescu Museum 3rd row: Storck Museum, Romanian Peasant Museum, Astronomical Observatory (detail),

Museums Of Bucharest

The history of Bucharest art museums begins in 1836, when the painter Carol Wallenstein inaugurated the first of them on the premises of St. Sava high school. In 1864, the School of Fine Arts was established. The concept of a museum exists in every art collection, thus many

Self And Portrait

Like diaries and memoirs, portraits and especially self-portraits represent a favorite means of inserting the creator's self into history. One may eventually infer, if not directly grasp a writer's or a painter's positions and opinions about his milieu and

How I Became A Collector

The feelings for beauty and for art in general are multiple and diverse; they follow an ascending path, turning into a passion for the sensitive person, who loves it and who vibrates with emotion in front of any artistic manifestation situated on the realm of perfection.

The Collector Onic Zambaccian

If his consuming passion for art gained Krikor Zambaccian a familiar fame amongst the collectors in Bucharest, particularly by dint of his acquisitions in the field or foreign art, few know that his younger brother, Onic (1891-1975), yet another aficionado of beauty, was


Just think that I paid it once, and it pays me off a lifetime instead. * Zambaccian on a canvas by Pallady Having great collectors represents as big a chance for a culture as having great artists. Flourishing arts are hardly imaginable when wealthy art-lovers are missing,

The Museum Of Art Collections

After having been closed for consolidation, restoration and reorganization, the Museum of Art Collections, housed by the former Romanit Palace, restores to circulation fourteen collections, exhibited in the building facing the Grivita Road. The building was closed in 1986