
Joachim Wittstock - Dumbrava morilor (schiţe şi nuvele), 2007, 136 p.

Selecţia textelor, traducere şi postfaţă de Nora Iuga. Autor de expresie germană din Sibiu, Joachim Wittstock se distinge prin fineţe, rigoare şi măiestrie în elaborarea unor texte în care, pe fondul unei sensibilităţi accentuate, trecut şi prezent, real


1922-1928. The Beginnings. Magazines and Manifestos. The Intellectual International. The Theorizing Machines. 75 HP – the New Start of the Romanian Avant-garde. Integralism and Synthesis. Synchronism and Internationalism The first avant-garde magazines and manifestos

The Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater

Managing Director, Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater Oleg Danovski's unquestioned merit lay in resisting the temptation of accepting to be turned into a ritual by the critique and the cultural bureaucracy, and in having launched, in the '80s, a first off the opera