
Alina Diaconu – „Dragă Cioran: cronica unei prietenii”

Volumul Dragă Cioran: cronica unei prietenii, scris de Alina Diaconu, tradus din limba spaniolă de Gabriela Banu, cu un Cuvânt înainte de Eugen Simion, se găsește, zilele acestea, la standul Editurii ICR, în cadrul celei de-a XXVI-a ediții a Târgului Internaţional

Participarea României la Festivalul Internaţional de Orgă Terra Sancta, în Grecia, Cipru, Iordania și Israel

Festivalul Internaţional de Orgă Terra Sancta va avea loc în perioada 29 septembrie – 21 noiembrie 2019 în lăcaşuri de cult din Grecia, Cipru, Iordania şi Israel.   România va fi reprezentată, cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv,  de 

Alte 10.000 de semne/Otros 10.000 caracteres

21 de prozatori români aleg paginile preferate din opera lor Ediție bilingvă Traduceri în limba spaniolă : Rafael Pisot și Alexandra Dobrin Coordonatoarea ediției: Alina Purcaru Volumul cuprinde fragmente reprezentative din opere semnate de 21 de prozatori

The Tomis Sculpture Treasure

Tomis (the former name of the city of Constantza, Romania, situated on the shore of the Black Sea) is a 2550 year-old Greek city that has a historical past overlain with the constructions of the modern city. The name of the city comes from Constanta, an old quarter of the


excerpt I was a boy around thirteen when I first learned how to wield a rifle – though I confess that, ever since, I have made no progress in this craft, quite the contrary, I dare say! I had accompanied my old man to Whitepond Baths, that had seen the cream of the crop

Hunting Stories Are From God

The apprentice I have already told you about had a whole year's hunting under his belt. Quite a poor campaign it had been, with only a few victories, yet rich in teaching and personal observation. The woodcocks darted through the twilight sky of a meadow like huge bats;

The Goldfinch

Minstrel— how your coat is patched!Joy into our homes you’ve hatched.  Under the bright and credulous gaze of a child, I sat last night and listened to his story. Once upon a time—a long, long time ago—we were caught in a dreary winter. Snowstorms had filled up

Homeless Bears And “Stupid Idiots”

on the fight between the hulky body of the hunted and the narrow mind of the hunterYou're a stupid idiot!-thus sounded the insult addressed by a desperate man to a taxi driver, before my very own eyes. The text you are about to read is governed by this paradoxically

The Legendary Wolf: A Shy Killer

The one and only wildlife reserve for wolves in Romania is near Zarnesti, Brasov County. Still, it is weird that, in a country where the wolf threat is used to make children behave themselves and Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale almost assimilated as folklore, a reserve

Eastern Station

In those days they used to go to the Eastern Station, visiting some acquaintances: friends, as they might, after all, also have called them. Except that on this point, at least, Olga was right: they were not their friends; indeed, there was no way or time when they could

Dog Days In The Neighborhood

Two neighbors are greeting each other on the alley in front of my block. One of them is complaining that he can't stand the heat and he looks as red as a boiled lobster. We can't even get out of the house, Sir! We're taking care of our little one too, our

That Underground Next To Us

In history, the diurnal has always been a distorted image of the nocturnal. In daylight, events are the way we want to see, feel, and understand them. The nocturnal rejects such a compromise for the tranquility of crowds. It has existed next to us since the dawn of history,