
Young Dancers In Thier Prime - A Conversation With Betty Lux And Călin Hanţiu

Reporter: You returned to the company that made you famous, the company that you are emotionally attached to and where we hope you will return. I'd suggest that we should evoke the circumstances in which you arrived at the Ballet Company called Fantasio then [in the

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The International Festival Of Choreographic Creation Iaşi 1993, 2nd Edition

Iaşi proved to be, for the second time, an excellent host for The Competition-Festival of choreographic creation with international participation, initiated last year by the ballet critic Dan Brezuleanu, the director of the Festival. The artists benefited from a modern

Vivat Profesores! - Through The Looking Glass Of Time

There are chances in life. I have made mention of it before and will not hesitate to repeat it. To some of them we turn a blind eye; for others we may knowingly not have the just power of judgment and pondering. Or, that of turning something to good account. Floria Capsali


A first attempt at collecting in a book texts on personalities of Romanian dance or who have spent a decisive stage in their formation within the framework and in the atmosphere of a Romanian school is bound to be controversial. Although partial and subjective, the present

Editor's Note

The origins of dance are prehistoric, but rhythm, mimetism, balance, harmony, grace have gradually turned into a genuine art, perhaps the most liberating. The art of dance requires countless qualities: talent, musicality and musical culture, good physical shape and endurance,

The Thirties. The Romanian Extreme Right

Chapter IIROMANIANISM AND AUTOCHTHONISMexcerpts Continuing the clash of ideas of the previous decades, the 1930s too witnessed a confrontation on the evolution formula of the Romanian make-up. Two directions were pitted against each other. One favorable to the maintenance

Preface To Benjamin Fundoianu, Images And Books

excerpts Having begun when he was seventeen or even earlier, B. Fundoianu's activity as a publicist impresses by its intensity and diversity. Simultaneous and assiduous collaborator to many magazines, the author doesn't seem to have the prejudice of specialization:

Heidelberg, A German Story

The news that a German foundation offered me, many years ago, a scholarship to Heidelberg gave me an incommensurable joy and an unrestrained curiosity of knowing places that, for a very long time, I could only associate with the plot of Wilhelm Meyer Förster's play.

Aristide Caradja, Princeps Biologorum Romaniae

I did not meet the great, indefatigable entomologist Aristide Caradja (1861-1955), but everything I have found out about him from firsthand sources has helped me understand he was a unique personality, an absolutely fascinating man. It is undoubtedly an indirect kind of


  To the preceding names I would like to add the name of Georges de Bellio, who wasn't an art producer through continuous production, but who was still a producer of art, in his own way, by being the friend, councilor and supporter of these artists in their difficult

Everyone's Cuisine - The Watchdog Of Gastronomy

For well over one year, since I and the retiring actor Stelian Nistor marketed our tee-vees to see the magazine Everybody's Cuisine through the press, our peers, notably those at The Catzavencu Academy, never fail to cheek me: You meatball-journalist, recipe commentator,