

Revista PLURAL este un mesager elevat al culturii şi civilizaţiei româneşti, ce redimensionează fenomene remarcabile ale istoriei noastre în raport cu alte culturi, deschizând porţile unui dialog lipsit de graniţe şi prejudecăţi. Limba engleză înlesneşte receptarea

Ruxandra Cesereanu (coordonator) - T(z)ara noastră. Stereotipii şi prejudecăţi, 2007, 286 p.

Proiectul T(z)ara noastră. Stereotipii şi prejudecăţi a fost gândit ca un demers colectiv în cadrul Centrului de Cercetare a Imaginarului din Cluj. Acesta este motivul pentru care mulţi dintre semnatarii acestui volum sunt membri Phantasma. Lor li s-au adăugat eseişti

Los Judios Españoles - Prefacio

El año 1492, a la vez con el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo, ha representado un paso gigantesco en la historia de la humanidad. Pero, al mismo tiempo, es la fecha de un acontecimiento que ha marcado profundamente y para siempre el futuro de España, ya que en aquel entonces

On Jews And Judaism

The Jewish problem is not only a problem of the absolute Mathematician; it is one of the whole mankind. The first Christian commentators of the Pentateuch kept calling the attention to the mistake of registering the Scripture to the letter. Certainly, the Jews in Moses'

Constantin Brâncuşi: The Temple Of Liberation And The Hieratic Emblem Of The Chimera

The Chimera, a sculpture carved in oak wood between 1915 and 1917-18, currently exhibited at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, has so far attracted but limited exegesis. Petru Comarnescu, in a conference held in Craiova in 1957, made reference to the body streamlined as to


All roads to the West go through Vienna. Generous crossroads where the western world fuses with the horizons of eastern Europe and the Germanic spirit seems to have rich confluences with Latinity, the old Austrian metropolis still conveys the same charm that those claras

A Farewel To Europe

Chapter IVexcerpts The doorbell rang earnestly. I had noticed, during my long career as an art scholar, that all of my doorbells manifested a sort of unexpected zeal, an eagerness that suggested that these tiny technical devices strove to reach the condition of an animate

Outline Of The History, Customs And Language Of The Gypsies

excerpts All chronicles show that this nomadic people appeared first in Moldavia; indeed, in order to come to Europe from India, they had to cross the Black Sea, which Moldavia used to border on at that time. In 1417, in the 19th year of the rule of Alexander the Good,

Two People Went Down The Chimney In A House

excerpt Two people went down the chimney in a house. Only one of them got his face dirty with soot. The dirty one looked at the clean one and didn't imagine that he might look different, so he didn't wash the soot away. The clean one, on the other hand, saw the

The Images Of The Nations. Ethnic And Ethic Characteristics

* The boom of geographic discoveries and trading expeditions that began on the eve of the Renaissance and continued throughout that era developed a new taste for describing remote, if not downright imaginary, countries and peoples. Before being discovered, the savage was

On National Specificity, 1935

If I had had the courage to speak freely, directly, without resorting to these pages in front of me, and without caring about the serious language mistakes I may make in French – and which I will definitely make –, if I had the courage to start my free conversation with

The Romanian Bourgeoisie, 1925

excerpts II. The social development of Romania from 1866 up to these days The age of Romanian mercantilism8. As experience shows us, a bourgeois society that starts developing later than others desires to begin with that phase at which these other societies already are.