
A Pilgrim On The Ocean Of Music

Conductor Constantin Silvestri's first contact with the music of the Occidental world represented a shock because the entire classical and modern music deeply imprinted on the consciousness of the public was utterly shaken by a new, contemporary, vital spark of the

Dialogue With Composer Theodor Grigoriu About Ionel Perlea

Mihaela Marinescu: Did you know maestro Ionel Perlea before visiting him in New York in 1967?Theodor Grigoriu: No, I didn't, he had left the country a long time before. He was a legend to my generation, like Enescu, like Lipatti. Before my trip to the United States

The Conductor

The Romanian realm has given great creating spirits to the world, in all fields of activity: philosophers, historians, sociologists, scientists that made epoch-making discoveries, inventors, writers (poets, prose writers, and dramatists), brilliant musicians, painters, and


On 20 November 1921 an enthusiastic letter written by the poet Cincinat Pavelescu is published in Rampa, a letter which we see fit to transcribe in full: Dear Mr. Editor in Chief, My life's absorbing activities of incessant work at the head of a newspaper without any

The Lord Of Romanian Conducting

After almost a century of symphonic music in Romania (as early as in 1846-1848, the first symphonic concerts changed the artistic life of Bucharest), after three quarters of a century since the establishment of the first philharmonic in Bucharest (1868), a magician appeared

The Romanian School Of Conductors

It is no secret to anyone that in Romania every person who has a good voice and musical talent has sung at least once, in his or her youth, in a choir. People say about Banat, the western region on the boundary with Hungary and Yugoslavia that it is the land of choirs, because

The Seven O'Clock Wife

He went out of the smoky-glass building without looking back. He was treading slowly, looking at the tips of his impeccably polished Timberland shoes. He hadn't even managed to answer the porter, who may have wished him well, smiling as in a dental-floss commercial.

A Legendary Love Story: Maria Cantacuzino - George Enescu

One should add to the romantic universe of Berlioz, Chopin, Liszt and Wagner the love story of Maria Cantacuzino and the composer George Enescu, as the mystery of its extraordinary tension has been revealed in the recently published Ombres et lumières, Souvenirs d'une

The Gypsies

Nowadays, the Romanians' principal obsession is the Gypsies, who make the Romanians feel as if they were living in a castle under siege. Almost all crimes are attributed to Gypsies, whose population seems to be rising every day. Although the figure given by the 1992

An Armenian Who Changed The Destiny Of The Opera Oedipe: David Ohanesian

Through the centuries, the spiritual connection between Armenians and Romanians has been very close as far as the Romanian musical culture is concerned. It's enough to remember Carol Mikuli, Mihail Jora, Matei Socor, Emanoil Ciomac, Sergiu Malagamba, Nicolae Buicliu,

A Brief Overview Of The Armenian Community In Romania

Editor-in-chief of Ararat The oldest evidence of Armenian presence on Romanian territory is an inscription on a tombstone dating back to 967; it was found at the White Fortress (Cetatea Alba). At around the same time, the presence of an Armenian colony in Transylvania is

L’expérience Microphysique Et La Pensée Humaine

CONSIDERATIONS PRELIMINAIRES DU PHENOMENE DE LA CONNAISSANCE ET DE SA PSYCHOLOGIE LOGIQUE L'enthousiasme des nouvelles conquêtes, plutôt des nouvelles aventures de l'avant-garde scientifiques, incite – ce qui est le propre de toute jeunesse – à un certain