

I don't know why I haven't written in here for so long. Weary of scrutinizing myself… But tonight I'm happy I've stayed in and read a book (Esquisse d'un traité du roman, Léon Bopp); I'm going to proofread City of Acacia Trees[i]. I've

Judith Turos: I Only Dance Parts I Believe In

If to the ordinary Romanian ballet aficionado the name Judith Turos doesn't ring a bell, to the German press she is die Turos, just like Italians say la Fracci. Born in Baia Mare, she attended the Choreography High School in Cluj and graduated from the Moscow Ballet

Simona Noja

The International Dance Festival in Constanţa presented in the final gala a special guest: Simona Noja, prima ballerina of the Vienna State Opera, another Romanian who, having left her native country for 10 years, has built a successful career on the world's stages.

Requiem - Interview With Gigi Căciuleanu

Interview with Gigi Căciuleanu about the performance staged as an absolute première in Constanţa – June 2000 To Gigi Căciuleanu, Romanian choreographer living in France, who left Romania in 1972 to win a wager with himself – the freedom to create in a world free

An Interview With Gigi Căciuleanu - June 1999

Gigi Căciuleanu is one of the most important and original personalities in the world of contemporary dance. He is a graduate of the ChoreographyHigh School in Bucharest. He studied with Messerer Varlamov in Moscow. A decisive influence on his entire career came from the

Young Dancers In Thier Prime - A Conversation With Betty Lux And Călin Hanţiu

Reporter: You returned to the company that made you famous, the company that you are emotionally attached to and where we hope you will return. I'd suggest that we should evoke the circumstances in which you arrived at the Ballet Company called Fantasio then [in the

The National Ballet Contest - Constanţa '94

The city on the shore of Pontus Euxinus, which time and again unravels new vestiges of ancient civilization, the old city of Tomis is, at present, building up a cultural profile of considerable complexity: museums, theatres, one opera, art festivals and contests. The contribution

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The Chosen Chooser

Who is this Roman Vlad who composed 'The Seagull'? a well-known director asked me, a great music fan, therefore always present at the concerts and shows of the Enescu Festival. The meaning of this question was suggested by its intonation: Who is this Roman Vlad

A Dance To The Music Of Words

I have often wondered why dance should necessarily be accompanied by music. The lines of a poem have their own sounds, rhythm and balance. Poetry is not made of such stuff as ideas, dreams or feelings, but of words, and their worldly counterpart, the sounds. Even the prose

Corina Dumitrescu - Interview

A few years elapsed from our last interview – enough for a change of viewpoint in retrospect. What do you think was more important in your career: school, college or practicing at the theatre? I'm asking this considering the common perception according to which most

Mălina Andrei And The Terpsichora Group

Mălina Andrei is yet another young creator whose presence is being increasingly felt in our choreographic landscape. This year she will graduate from the Academy of Theater and Motion Pictures, the choreography section, but she already teaches contemporary dancing at the