
Nr. 96 / iarna 2015 - 2016

SUMAR Nr. 96RetrospectiveDocument - Nicolae Ceauşescu rescrie istoria naţionalăDan Ciachir - Maşini de altădatăFilosofieIon Vianu - Poate fi salvat Omul?Paolo Flores d'Arcais - Unsprezece teze despre laicitateRodica Binder - Noi şi ceilalţi în noile războaieIdei

Nr. 91 / toamna 2014

Sumar nr. 91RetrospectiveWarren Breckman – Puterea și golul: democrația radicală, postmarxismul și momentul MachiavelliDialog Esprit – Robert Morrissey: Napoleon și legitimitatea politică modernăKeith Gessen – Necugetatul întemeietor al formalismuluiArte vizualeColm

Nr. 79 - toamna 2011

SUMAR Nr. 79 Pagini autobiografice Marina Ţvetaeva – Carnete Arkadi Babcenko – Cercul războiului Felicia Antip – Fereastra dintre vremi Ion Vianu – Matei Călinescu, Ion Vianu: Istoria unei corespondenţe In memoriam B. ELVIN Felicia Antip, George Banu,

Nr. 75 - toamna 2010

SUMAR NR. 75 Dincolo de eveniment Sergio Benvenuto – Cum se explică succesul lui Berlusconi Luca Niculescu – Franţa lui Sarkozy Adrian Cioroianu – „Va veni şi ne va surprinde Benjamin Korn – Moartea unui ucigaş Ion Vianu – Iluzii, dezamăgiri, regrete


Dialogul Cultural Europa-China, Spații publice și poduri între culturi la Palatul Parlamentului din Bucureşti – MODERNISM. roautor: Cosmin Năsui 21 octombrie 2014 Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (1) Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (2)În perioada 15-17 octombrie 2014


INTERSECŢII. Înainte de sărbătorile de iarnă - OBSERVATOR CULTURAL Autor Michael FINKENTHAL Nr. 556-557, 23 decembrie 2010 Sînt în Haifa şi profit de ocazie pentru a da o fugă pînă la Ein Hod, satul pictorilor întemeiat după 1948 de Marcel Iancu, pentru a

Brâncuşi Y Su Influencia En La Escultura Del Siglo XX

El escultor más importante de la primera mitad delsiglo XX fue sin duda alguna Constantin Brancusi(1876 – 1957), un rumano… (Howard Hibbard, Obras maestras de la escultura – la plástica europea y americana de la Edad Media hasta el presente, Nueva York, 1977) Preámbulo 

The Tenderness And Betrayal Of Magdalene

I couldn't say I was properly introduced to Magdalene, the wording would be equally pretentious and inexact; as a matter of fact, she actually rushed into my studio… She was tired, exhausted, shabby, as if she had come out of the hundred year war. I had worked all

A Very Lucky Man

My friend Mr. Manolache Cuvidi is a well-known character in our society; he is a man of substance, his rather comfortable wealth has been earned through honest work; he's an intelligent and earnest fellow, an ideal husband and an ideal father of a family. Given so many

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The Dialectics Of National Self-Criticism

Some time in the autumn of 1994, Sorin Alexandrescu asked in an interview in 22 magazine why, in the canonical battle between the various radical-democrat and nationalist structures of the opposition (and of the government), more attention is not paid to the real traditions

The Japanese Theatre

The theatre is a rather faithful reflection of a people's mores. The Japanese theatre is superior to and different from the Chinese one, in which neither the art, nor the artistic appreciation or the realism of the Japanese theatre can be found. Heightened to the status