
Venom In The Month Of May

excerpt Yes, she is thoroughly preoccupied with each client's history. It is a sort of sadism of hers or an imaginary compensation. She takes part in the emotions and ups and downs of every story. She dreams of the many Don Juans, husbands and lovers whose voluntary

The Life Of Adrian Zografi

excerpt Adrian was too honest and too weak in front of the woman he felt attracted to. While he accompanied Lucia along the alleys close to the main boulevard, he would keep his mouth shut and barely listen to her constant and tedious tittle-tattle about everything. He already

Hutsuls And Their Embroideries

Hutsuls or Huculs, a group of Ukrainian highlanders, live in the Carpathian mountains, to the South-East of the Boykos, a region bordering on the territory of the Romanians. They differentiate themselves from the surrounding Slavic peoples by physiognomy, and by their traditional

Outline Of The History, Customs And Language Of The Gypsies

excerpts All chronicles show that this nomadic people appeared first in Moldavia; indeed, in order to come to Europe from India, they had to cross the Black Sea, which Moldavia used to border on at that time. In 1417, in the 19th year of the rule of Alexander the Good,

The Wild Wine Gallery

excerpt Bunthe had thought it appropriate to put up their two unexpected guests from Bucharest with Father Calist. The villagers were saying they had got lucky. The weather was beautiful, spring was coming. The sun shone as if it was already April. The wildflowers that

Life Stories Of The Italians From Dobrogea

Who can even imagine nowadays that more than a century ago, Romania, going through a period of economic expansion, was a sort of terra promessa on which the seasonal workers relied in order to make money and on which the immigrants from western countries relied in order

The Forgotten Mosilor (May Fair) Street

Mosilor Street, the modern thoroughfare of a Bucharest that struggles so hard to appear occidentalized and yet doesn't quite manage to: something Balkan, Levantine lingers in the atmosphere of the streets, in spite of the concrete ten-floor blocks, of the road with

The Albanian Bucharest: From Merchant Elites To Cultural Elites

excerpts The gradual development of a cultural Moldo-Walachian elite of Albanian origin, that was able to manifest an awareness of the cultural identity of its origins through certain activities in this respect, an elite devoted to the idea of a modern and independent Albania,

A History Of The Albanian Community In Romania And Its Organization ALAR

President of ALAR Documents speak of an Albanian presence on Romanian land no earlier than 1595, when a report sent to the imperial Councillor Pezzen, by his agent Giovanni de Marini Poli on 14/24 March, highlights the arrival in Cervenavoda of 15,000 Albanians and their

La Vie Des Mammifères Et Des Hommes Fossiles

La fonction crée et modèle l'organe; la moindre particule de l'organe est entretenue par une fonction actuelle: chaque particularité de la fonction est inscrite dans la forme de l'organe; à chaque seconde l'organe varie: la fonction l'accroît,

La Cellule Nerveuse

Il serait impossible d'étudier dans ce petit livre toutes les espèces cellulaires si nombreuses dans le système nerveux central, aussi nous nous bornerons seulement à la description des types principaux qui nous intéressent également au point de vue de la cytologie

La Fin Du Monde, Une Histoire Sans Fin

C'est même la fin d'une civilisation. Le monde blanc se meurt. Le monde industriel de souche européenne – un milliard d'hommes, 40% des terres émergées, le quart de l'humanité, 80 à 85% des ressources et près de 99% de la puissance – est en