

Just think that I paid it once, and it pays me off a lifetime instead. * Zambaccian on a canvas by Pallady Having great collectors represents as big a chance for a culture as having great artists. Flourishing arts are hardly imaginable when wealthy art-lovers are missing,

Krikor H. Zambaccian

Krikor H. ZAMBACCIAN (1889-1962) was born in an Armenian family that had long before settled in Constanta on the Romanian Black Sea coast. From 1907 he attended commerce colleges in Antwerp and Paris, where he became acquainted with western art and met Matisse, Dufy, Derrain,

The Magic Of The Moment, Or On Dancing And Fine Arts

Choreographer There are numerous crossroads between the dance unfolding within the space of an art collection and the very own pieces of this assembling, crossroads that make a sort of mutual colonization of artistic discourses. Flowing along a choreographic score, they

The Museum Of Art Collections

After having been closed for consolidation, restoration and reorganization, the Museum of Art Collections, housed by the former Romanit Palace, restores to circulation fourteen collections, exhibited in the building facing the Grivita Road. The building was closed in 1986

The Palace Of Art Collections

Director, Museum of Art Collections A magic and impartial destiny decided that, at the celebration of a century since the materialization of the idea of art collection and art collector, the reopening of a Palace of Collections should take place. An initiative, disputed

Once Upon A Time, At Mişu Weinberg's

It was in May 1972, when I paid my first visit to the Weinbergs. I still have a warm dedication from the host as testimony. I was coming from the Museums Review to record a few thoughts about the Weinberg collection, the foundations of which had been laid in the tumultuous

Marcu Beza

Writer and literary critic, historian and diplomat, Marcu Beza, of Aromanian origin, was born at Salonika in 1882. He attended courses in letters and philosophy under Titu Maiorescu, then obtained a scholarship in London, where he promoted Romanian culture and literature.

Delight In Barbu Slătineanu's House

After six years' work in the Sanitary Technical School I was admitted to the History of Art Institute. I was a researcher and I wasn't yet allowed to research the monuments of our medieval art I was so attracted to. Going through the pages of the history magazines

The Eternal Return

An interior made for appearance, fitting the extravagance of some poems In the beginning, gazing at the photos, I stood in the doorway and had the feeling of entering a house deserted by its owners, where I was left with the secret of its nature hidden inside the still

The Slătineanu Collection

In 1951, the 'Slătineanu Collection' opened at No 3, Obedenaru Street. After crossing a garden bordered by big mosaic slabs, one reaches the building hosting the Collection. Two 18th century ewers warn the visitors that they will find numerous ceramic pieces indoors.

The Slătineanu Comparative Art Collection - An Extinct Art Museum

1947. The year of the most despotic deeds of the communist regime come to power in the shadow of the Soviet tanks. The ordeal of the Romanian intellectual elites (and not only) begins. The Slătineanu family find themselves treated like common criminals. The whole family

Barbu Slătineanu, A Lover Of Beauty And A Victim Of Bolshevism

Member of the Academy Barbu Slătineanu was one of those people that draw your attention at first sight. The first time I met him was by chance: I was a doctor and I went to see his brother-in-law, Playno, who lived in the same house on Obedenaru street. Ever since, I considered