
24 Nov 2009 - 25 Nov 2009

„20 Years After...” / Colocviu internaţional dedicat anului 1989 în Europa Centrală şi de Est

Marţi, 24 noiembrie şi miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009, Institutul Cultural Român şi Institutul de Cercetări Politice de la Universitatea din Bucureşti găzduiesc colocviul internaţional „20 Years After… , dedicat evenimentelor care au avut loc în ţările Europei

12 Jul 2009 - 2 Aug 2009

Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească / Braşov, 12 iulie - 2 august 2009

EN - Read the text in English RO - Citeşte în limba română ES - Lea en castellano EN Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov July 12th – August 2nd, 2009 Learn Romanian in Romania! The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes Romanian language,

17 Oct 2008 - 17 Oct 2008

România, invitată de onoare la Târgul Internaţional de Carte Liber - 2011

„Istorie şi istorii româneşti de succes la ediţia din acest an de la Barcelona România va fi invitată de onoare la ediţia din 2011 a Târgului Internaţional de Carte Liber, cel mai amplu eveniment al pieţei editoriale din Spania. Standul cu tema „Istorie şi

8 Oct 2008 - 10 Oct 2008

România la Târgul Internaţional de Carte Liber Barcelona 2008

„Istorie şi istorii româneşti la cel mai amplu eveniment editorial din Spania România va fi reprezentată la Târgul Internaţional de Carte LIBER de la Barcelona, desfăşurat în acest an în perioada 8–10 octombrie, printr-un stand cu tema „Istorie şi istorii,

13 Jul 2008 - 2 Aug 2008

Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, Braşov, 12 iulie - 2 august 2009

EN - Read the text in English RO - Citeşte în limba română EN Learn Romanian in Romania! The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes Romanian language, culture and civilization courses in the 12th century citadel of Braşov. A multicultural environment, Braşov (Corona,

27 Jun 2008 - 27 Jun 2008

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale

A doua ediţie a Nopţii Institutelor Culturale, organizată de ICR în partneriat cu British Council, Institutul Goethe, Institutul Italian de Cultura, Institutul Cervantes, Centrul Cultural Ungar, Institutul Polonez, Delegaţia Valonia-Bruxelles, Centrul Ceh şi Institutul

The Monasteries of Oltenia. Art and spirituality

The Monasteries of Oltenia. Art and spiritualityTexts by Elisabeta Negrău and Vlad Bedros Edited and afterword by Father Iustin Marchiș English version by Samuel Onn Photographs by Dan Dinescu and Daniel Constantinescu ISBN 978-973-577-649-7 360 pag Contents 1. Elisabeta


Michel Pastoureau, director at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, where he teaches the history of western symbolism, has recently published a volume called Famous animals (2008). Until the 1960's, the animal kingdom had been neglected by historians. Now it is an integral

Major Collectors And Their Collections At The Grigore Antipa National Museum Of Natural History

see www. antipa. roThe first collections were set up at the National Museum of Natural History and Antiquities more than 175 years ago and have been available to the public for over a century. Their success has proved to be quite remarkable, as they have attracted an ever-growing

The Raven: A Totem Or A Bad Omen

Scientific classification Class AVES Order PASSERIFORMES Family CORVIDAE Sub-family CORVINAE Genera and species CORVUS CORAX CORAX – the raven CORVUS CORONE CORONE – the black crow CORVUS FRUGILENUS FRUGILENUS – the rook   COLEUS MONEDULA SPERMOLOGUS – the Jackdaw

Gambrinus Ale House, A Stylish Ruin

Peeled off plaster, broken windows, rats scuttling at ease day and night. And above all, the filth. Complete and utter filth reigning supreme over a piece of downtown Bucharest. But also over a piece of our past. The only part still living is the sign above the door, reading

The Construction Of Saint Joseph’s Cathedral

Red bricks are the distinctive feature of this construction, next to the white rosette, a huge round window above the main portal: thereby, the reader has most certainly recognized the Archbishopric of Saint Joseph's Cathedral. It is one of the landmark buildings in