
A Generation Of Choreauthors

In the Choreographer's Manifesto from 1935, Serge Lifar proposed a new word for the creator who invents and composes dance parts, that of choreauthor so that we could make a clear distinction between the one who creates (choreauthor), the one who stages again a ballet

Marin Boeru

Once upon a time, the Choreography High School in Cluj was renowned for the quality of the dancers who graduated there, as if in Transylvania there were more handsome, gifted boys than elsewhere. For once, in 1973, the Bucharest Opera opened its doors to an exceptional generation

Marinel Ştefănescu - Interview, 2000

Marinel Ştefănescu graduated from the Choreographic School in Bucharest. He is awarded the 1st prize at the International Contest in Varna and the Special prize of the International Contest in Moscow. He becomes first dancer of the Opera House in Bucharest, being invited

The Balletto Classico Company In Bucharest

Should we try to mark on the map of Europe the places where, during the last twenty years, the first Romanian ballet masters have been shining, whose names figure in international dictionaries of dance, we would have to cover the map from Stuttgart to the Canary Islands

Trends In Promoting Romanian Choreographic Art

It is the third consecutive year when the town of the Union becomes, for three days, the capital of Romanian Contemporary Ballet. Or even of the entire Romanian ballet, one might say, since there is no other reunion of national choreographic forces yet, either complementary

Adina Cezar - Interview, October 2002

Presently, Adina Cezar is a name in the field of choreography, by having created for three decades a sound nucleus of Romanian contemporary dance. Dancer, choreographer and artistic manager, Adina Cezar is a genuine, tenacious and dynamic searcher. Every moment she reorders

George Iancu - Interview

The stars of ballet travel almost ceaselessly: Paris today, Rome or Buenos Aires tomorrow, then prepare for a new destination. Gheorghe Iancu, dancer of Romanian origin, settled in Milan 24 years ago, is one of these Guest Stars. His body's sculptural perfection, his

Daphnis And Chloe

The new season of the National Opera opened this autumn with a ballet made up of four choreographic pieces united under the title of the most elaborate one, Daphnis and Chloe, a production staged by Gelu Barbu, a Romanian choreographer from the Diaspora. Gelu Barbu belongs

A Continent Dreamt By An Island

A talk with Gelu Barbu Each artist who fulfils his destiny up to the zenith of glory becomes the founder of an island nostalgic about the continent. The creator does not represent a boastful, empty oneness but a world within a world. His original formula is achieved thanks

Irinel Liciu - A Great Sensitivity And Its Fragility

I was touched and amazed to discover this skinny little girl, thin and long legged, who was doing her exercises in the ballet room with the concentration of a mature artist. The way she led her body had lost any trace of effort and it was describing meanings known only to

Gabriel Popescu

A superstar of Romanian ballet in its golden era, when the light coming from the East would fashion great interpreters, Gabriel Popescu began the study of dance with the maestra Floria Capsali. He was hired by the Bucharest Opera in 1948, when he was 16, and in 1949 he was


I dedicate these lines to the one we, her friends and colleagues, as well as fans, used to call – and still do – Lully. That is, Ileana Iliescu. She belongs to that pleiad of prima ballerinas who built the fame of Romanian ballet, shining from the beginning of the 1960s: