
The National Ballet Contest - Constanţa '94

The city on the shore of Pontus Euxinus, which time and again unravels new vestiges of ancient civilization, the old city of Tomis is, at present, building up a cultural profile of considerable complexity: museums, theatres, one opera, art festivals and contests. The contribution

Oleg Danovski: Dancing - The Art That Defies Gravity

Carmen Chihaia: Contemporary dancing seems to be winning over classical ballet. Maestro, considering your comprehensive view of the current directions, which school/tendency do you think will be able to impose itself, to bring something else that both audiences and artists

All This Dance

Arabesque Graceful silhouettes, jumps, pirouettes, endless rehearsals, precision, tenacity, discipline, harmony between body, movement and music to attain the purity given off during that glissade in which glided the white ballerinas in Bacovia's poem or in a painting

A Friend Of Romania - Interview With Maurice Béjart

In one of the marvelous spots of Switzerland I met Maurice Béjart, the choreographer that refreshed all forms of movements and made of dance the art of the 20th century. In Lausanne, Maurice Béjart continues to live creating and philosophizing for the synthetic art with

Simona Şomăcescu - Interview

What impresses from the beginning at Simona Şomăcescu, is an extraordinary self-devotion through dancing, which lights up from within, like a flame, the character's personality. A vast and generous movement, a movement that fills the stage and seems to transform the

Manuel Pelmuş - Interview

Contemporary dance choreographers work on gestures. They do not necessarily have to be beautiful or interesting, but simply natural. Every single emotion expressed. The dancer always performs something, interprets something, lives that moment either through gesture, movement

A Recital For All Those Who Love Dance

On May 20, on the occasion of the International Dance Day, the stage of the National Opera hosted a ballet recital. The performance proper was preceded by an opening speech by Mihai Brediceanu, the president of the Dancers', Choreographers' and Music Critics'

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The Young Choreographers

The opening of a department of Choreography in the Theatre and Film Academy in 1991, started to produce results two years ago. The academic training offered a large cultural opening to the dancers and choreographers that studied there. I had the chance to see some of the

The Exceptional Value

It's been a long time since, at the Romanian Opera, I have assisted at a première with an allure of great show as it is now Mihaela Atanasiu's Peer Gynt. An authentic première, not the remake of a show put out of the program for a while, not the resumption, either,

I Don't Have Any Nostalgia For Princes Charming - Interview With Tiberiu Almosnino

Vivia Săndulescu: Tell me, Tiberiu Almosnino, how many years have you been serving the opera?Tiberiu Almosnino: I graduated from the Choreography High School in Bucharest in 1981, and the same year I was hired at the Romanian Opera, following a contest. So… VS: If you

A Dance To The Music Of Words

I have often wondered why dance should necessarily be accompanied by music. The lines of a poem have their own sounds, rhythm and balance. Poetry is not made of such stuff as ideas, dreams or feelings, but of words, and their worldly counterpart, the sounds. Even the prose