
14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

13 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants - ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on

15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on

1 Jan 2017 - 14 Dec 2017

2017 - Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners in Bucharest / Cursuri de limba română pentru străini în București

Learn Romanian at the Romanian Cultural Institute! ROMANIA(N) IN A NUTSHELL - Romanian Language Classes for ForeignersThe Romanian Cultural Institute has been organizing the Romanian language courses for foreigners, in Bucharest, since 2008. If you want to study Romanian

6 Dec 2017 - 10 Dec 2017

Filme româneşti la Festivalul de Filme Scurte „Żubroffka” din Polonia

În perioada 6-10 decembrie 2017, la Białystok, are loc cea de-a 12-a ediţie a Festivalului Internaţional de Filme Scurte „Żubroffka”. La această ediţie, în competiţia pentru cea mai bună producţie de scurtmetraj din cadrul secţiunii „Okno na wschód”

10 May 2017 - 26 Nov 2017

Vernisajul expoziției de la Pavilionul României, în cadrul Bienalei de la Veneția, cel mai important eveniment de diplomație culturală al României

Geta Brătescu – Apariții este proiectul care reprezintă România la Bienala de Artă de la Veneția în 2017. Expoziția se va desfășura în Pavilionul României din Giardini della Biennale și în Noua Galerie a Institutului Român de Cultură și Cercetare Umanistică

10 May 2017 - 26 Nov 2017

„Apariții”. Geta Brătescu va reprezenta România la Bienala de Artă de la Veneția, ediția 2017

În urma concursului național pentru selectarea proiectului care va reprezenta România la cea de-a 57-a ediție a Expoziției Internaționale de Artă - la Biennale di Venezia, comisia de selecție a declarat câștigător proiectul Geta Brătescu - Apariții. Geta Brătescu-Apariții,

23 Nov 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme