
At Winder's - The Dragomans - Mishka - Ibrahim - A Motley Crowd

*On Handak street, which meets Anastase street a few steps away from the place where I'd eaten, the bustle was at its height. Although lazy and indifferent when they have nothing to do, Arabs are very much alive and quick when there's a chance of making some money.

Last Laugh

My plan for this little article had already taken shape. After having read all the materials, learned quite a few things therefrom, enjoyed the erudition, remembered some of my friends' passion for rare watches, phone cards or antiques, or my own childhood stamp, coin,

Property Vs. Possession

Temptation One is tempted by what one sees, and seeing is the basic experience in cyberspace. One perceives the wondrous site, the desirable realm, but also the density of the transparent space that comes in-between – a psychological double of the transparent obstacle

More Parisian Than The Parisians: Georges De Bellio

Everybody knows Monet's famous painting, Impression, sunrise. The canvas, considered to be Impressionism's manifest, due to its style and title (the latter was chosen to designate the group of artists who had the same style of painting and were united by the same

Georges De Bellio - A Contemporary Art Collector

Georges de Bellio, 1894 (oil on canvas) by Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931) Among phenomena adjacent to art, art collecting is known as representing a consequence of the rapports art-artist-society, and as quite sensitive to the evolution of style and society's conduct

Gogu Georgescu And Gică Petrescu

On some days I feel universal when listening to Hora în căruţă (Jig in the Cart); I can even picture a cart then, all its joints rattling among the frozen missiles of the world. I get dizzy and a teardrop warms up the Murmansk under my eyelids. Hora Stacatto (Stacatto

At The Royal Cinema

The Lumière Brothers' toy, perfected year after year, challenges Thalia and Melpomene and the people of Bucharest take cinemas by storm. Businessmen are quick in smelling money, and thus many individuals whose energy used to be spent at the haberdasher's or on

Childhood Memories

excerpt At sundown we'd trail back to the boarding house, have a quick bite, and then entreat Gaffer Bodranga to pipe unto us. Theology students would converge in droves upon our place, for it had come to be their haunt; and we'd dance the whole night through,

From Pest To Bucharest

excerpt Baneasa used to be the favourite meeting place for those living in Bucharest. It was there that they came to listen to the cuckoo singing for the first time, pretending that in this monotonous song they discovered the secrets of their lives. Back then Bucharest

Old And New Squires

excerpts Chapter XV. Scenes of Social Life The beautiful autumn days of the year 1817 had already flitted along with the joys they bring to pass for the inhabitants of Romania. Winter had made quite an early appearance and the western wind had by now started to blow in

Illustrated Journey To The Five Corners Of The World

excerpt Romanians love entertainment but they equally like to laze around. When they don't have a rest, they spend their time having walks, going to the theatre, parties, visiting acquaintances and playing cards. French, German and Romanian performances lure people

The Litter Pit

excerpts At the end of every winter, in a hall illuminated by electric lights and covered by wooden floors, near the Central Station, at Locomotiva, the Craftsmen's Ball was the event of the season. Craftsmen from all over Bucharest brought their wives to party and