Erwin Kessler (coordonator) - I colori dell'avanguardia/ Les couleurs de l'avant-garde / Los colores de la vanguardia (1910-1950), 2009, 244 p.
Albumul Culorile Avangardei. Arta în România 1910-1950 a fost editat în ediţie trilingvă (italiană, franceză şi spaniolă) cu ocazia itinerării internaţionale (Lisabona, Roma, Praga) a expoziţiei cu acelaşi nume. Volumul conţine texte critice semnate de curatorul
The Last Weft
by Erwin Kessler
A Word Forward
by Erwin Kessler
When Ornaments Go Walking
by Erwin Kessler
Show Stories
by Erwin Kessler
Intopian Figuration
by Erwin Kessler
Making Art By Numbers
by Erwin Kessler
The Quest For A Self In 20th Century Romanian Art
by Erwin Kessler
by Erwin Kessler
Little Paris
top row: Lipscani diggings, Unirea shoping center, house in Romanian Peasant Museum yard, National Museum of Contemporary Art bottom row: Collections Museum on Calea Victoriei, University Sq. , dilapidated building on Lipscani St. , old house on Mantuleasa St. It seems
Bucharest And Its Paradoxes
O Moft! Thou art the watchword and motto of our times. Vast syllable of unbounded content, in thee there is such comfortable room for countless meanings: joys and misfortunes, merit and infamy, guilt and misadventure, right, duty, sentiments, interests, convictions, politics,
Obras Maestras Españolas, Pintor Griego, Gusto Germanico, Museo Rumano
El Museo Nacional de Arte de Bucarest tiene, aunque pueda resultar sorprendente para esta parte de Europa, una buena sección de arte español antiguo. La pintura de la contrarreforma se pone de manifiesto en la obra maestra de Alonso Cano, Cristo en la columna que causó