
Judith Turos: I Only Dance Parts I Believe In

If to the ordinary Romanian ballet aficionado the name Judith Turos doesn't ring a bell, to the German press she is die Turos, just like Italians say la Fracci. Born in Baia Mare, she attended the Choreography High School in Cluj and graduated from the Moscow Ballet

Non-Chronological Travel Notes (September 1979 - March 1980)

excerpts30th September When I get on the tram, in Zurich, I cross myself. To whom? Not to the tram, of course, but to the Power that gave some people (engineers, technicians, workers) the ability to create such public means of transportation: and to others (the passengers)

My Grandfather Mehmed Ali

My grandfather Mehmed Ali was an old-fashioned Turk. He wore a long beard and the traditional Turkish costume. Each morning he would sit down next to the charcoal, the earthenware pot filled with live coals, sip his coffee and puff his long-stemmed chibouk. He would often

The Czechs And The Slovaks

A Slavic population whose state construction is very recent, the Czechs and Slovaks represent a minority in Romania; they have brought respect for labor and education in our country, as well as a vigorous religious faith.  Short history The Slovaks settled on the current

Bucarest-Paris, Aller Simple

Soulignant l'apport des écrivains, dramaturges, poètes venus de la sœur latine roumaine, Robert Sabatier fait cette remarque, dans le 6-ème tome de sa monumentale Histoire de la poésie française, celui consacré au XX-ème siècle: . . . mais il est vrai que

Du Billet Au Traité: Le Français Chez Les Roumains

C'est un fait reconnu depuis longtemps: les plus grands accomplissements culturels des Roumains ont presque toujours transité la culture française dans leur parcours vers le monde. Brancusi, Enescu, Ionesco, Cioran sont les figures de proue de ce que l'on pourrait