
The Meaning Of Existence In Romanian Folk Poetry

excerpts Chapter IIISolitude Generally, the Romanian folk poetry shows a tendency toward an ideal and transparent world, which is full of serenity. The frequency of the optimistic motifs proves to what extent it would be good to know this surface only, but an inner disquiet


In Miorita I believe I could see the force of Romanianism, not only in transfiguring the brutality and coarseness of history, but also in opposing it the refuge in splendor. by N. Steinhardt

The Psychology Of The Romanian People

Chapter X. The Influence of Physical Factors. The Climate and the Geographical Position The crystalline atmosphere that envelops the Carpathian Mountains and the hills of Oltenia and Moldavia resembles perfectly the atmosphere from the mountains and hills of Florence. Wallachia's

The Beauty Of Romanian Women

The esthetic appreciation of the external aspect of the Romanian imposed a non-differential consideration of the two sexes. However, the image of man has usually been in the foreground. To balance things, the numerous descriptions of Romanian women must be reminded. The

The Place Of The Romanian People In Universal History

Toward the end of the Middle Ages, the Romanians, until then living in their traditional peasant autonomies, which stand for an entire, complete political order with archaic roots, arrived, after the abolition of anarchy, at their boundaries and, on one side, because of

A Young 50-Year Old Conductor

With Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, Horia Andreescu endowed his own anniversary (50 years of life, which is both little and a lot in the life of a conductor) with a well-deserved brilliancy. On the other hand, while defining his assuredness, the merits of a 27-year career

Musical Summer In Europe

Schwerin Founded by Heinrich der Lowe in 1160, the city today is worthy of its eight-century tradition. It abounds in vestiges – proudly and understandingly nurtured – of a history that is comprehensive in what regards the cultivation of music, too. The notes that I

The Master Of Romanian First Auditions

There is a hidden passion in revealing the Romanian first absolute auditions that characterize conductor Horia Andreescu, the artisan of some essential scores of autochthonous contemporary symphonism. Besides the unknown Symphony No. 5 by George Enescu, discovered, re-orchestrated

Thank You, Maestro!

I count myself to the category of performers who do not deem themselves as conductor-addicted, nevertheless, it is hard for me to clarify the feeling I sense when I assert this. Maybe, it is a matter of tribute to the Lord, to Whose unique credit destiny willed that I master

A Pilgrim On The Ocean Of Music

Conductor Constantin Silvestri's first contact with the music of the Occidental world represented a shock because the entire classical and modern music deeply imprinted on the consciousness of the public was utterly shaken by a new, contemporary, vital spark of the

The Head Of The Orchestra

I think the idea of a head of the orchestra arose two and a half centuries ago, as a result of the activity of the Mannheimer Circle, who had invented acoustic dynamics: the game of intensity, as a component of the agogic, a quite unproductive term for most of the music

Selected List Of Works Composed By Ionel Perlea

– Don Quijote, a symphonic scherzo– Sinfonia Concertante, op. 14, for violin and orchestra– Adagio, for orchestra– Symphonic Variations on My Own Theme– Three Studies for Orchestra– Ein Heiteres Quartett, op 10*– Sonata, op. 12, for piano– Lied ohne Worte,