
4 Jun 2008

Kyrnéa is looking for workshop movies

Invitation to submit films: Kyrnéa is looking for workshop movies under the framework of the European Forum on Youth and Moving Images (REJI) REJI (November 20th – December 7th, 2008) On the occasion of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, KYRNEA International

19 Feb 2008 - 20 Feb 2008

Scurtmetraje româneşti la British Film Institute

Cinematograful românesc este o forţă mondială! Aşa a deschis producătorul Nik Powell festivalul de scurt metraje Eat Our Shorts desfăşurat cu contribuţia ICR Londra pe 19 şi 20 februarie la prestigiosul British Film Institute. Festivalul a prezentat clipuri,

Romanian Cinema Inside Out: Insights on film culture, industry and politics (1912-2019), coord. Irina Trocan

Ediție în limba engleză, apărută la Editura ICR în cadrul festivalului EUROPALIA ROMÂNIARomanian Cinema Inside Out: Insights on film culture, industry and politics (1912-2019), coord. Irina TrocanCuprins/ ContentsIntroduction - Irina TrocanVideograms of a NationRomanian Independence:

Balcica Moşescu-Măciucă – Balchik

Lucrarea apărută la Editura ICR este traducerea în limba engleză a remarcabilei monografii semnate de Balcica Moşescu-Măciucă. Mai mult decât un studiu substanțial, volumul oferă și o mărturie personală nutrită de legătura biografică intimă a autoarei cu

The Great War - Photography from the Romanian front 1916-1919

Edited in EnglishThese photographers and cameramen – champions of expressive imagery, of the impeccably framed photograph taken under enamy fire and of exciting and sometimes even humorous subject matter – have no name and no face – even less so than their subjects,

The Tomis Sculpture Treasure

Tomis (the former name of the city of Constantza, Romania, situated on the shore of the Black Sea) is a 2550 year-old Greek city that has a historical past overlain with the constructions of the modern city. The name of the city comes from Constanta, an old quarter of the

Icebergs Ahead!

an interview with Cristian LASCUCristian Lascu is editor in chief of National Geographic Romania, a speleologist and researcher. His CV features a variety of activities and awards: he is a national judo champion, scuba diver, founder of the Group for Underwater and Speleological

Night Lights Light Nights Of Bucharest

Sometimes glowing colorfully in the dusk air, as doors of museums open up for late visitors, or, some other times, its dark sky flushed by lasers for white nights of entertainment, Bucharest often begins to live and breathe anew after sundown.  White NightsNow that the

How Modern Is the Modern Romanian Fantastic?

As everything modern, the fantastic mode, which seems to be still one of our great favorites in these last years of the modern millennium is to be defined through the series of transformations of the traditional forms of the fantastic art. In her excellent reference book

Bucharest - Memory Walled-In

Architecture represents a means of interrogating history. Rather ominous, it is to be feared, when the question applies to the Romanian capital. Why so? The way Bucharest has been subjected to transformations in the last century accounts for the living changes affecting

Inns, Churches, Parks And Avenues

Bucharest became the capital of Wallachia in the middle of the sixteenth century in preference to the earlier sub‑Carpathian capitals of Câmpulung, Curtea de Argeş and Târgovişte. It became the capital of the united Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia

The Bucharest Inns

excerpts In the second half of the 17th century, inns emerged in Bucharest. They later formed a very important chapter in the Bucharest economy of the 17th century and of the first half of the 18th century, and they made an important contribution to the development of the