
Eurodance '97

Having reached its sixth edition, The International Festival of Choreographic Creation tends to become emblematic of the small sweet town of Iaşi. Somewhat pompously named Eurodans '97, it took place this year in a scenery saturated with pilgrims, guards, strikers,

Interview With Karine Saporta - 28 January 1992

Karine Saporta is considered one of the most prestigious personalities of contemporary European dance. With higher education in philosophy and sociology in France and the USA, she has continuously developed her research in the direction of dance, from video to photography.

Christine Bastin - Interview, 1991

A complex cultural program begins this month in Bucharest: La danse en voyage, organized by France for Romania. Six contemporary dance companies from France will come monthly to Bucharest, Iaşi, Timişoara, Cluj and Constanţa. Mrs. Christine Bastin, you are the first choreographer

The Balletto Classico Company In Bucharest

Should we try to mark on the map of Europe the places where, during the last twenty years, the first Romanian ballet masters have been shining, whose names figure in international dictionaries of dance, we would have to cover the map from Stuttgart to the Canary Islands

A Continent Dreamt By An Island

A talk with Gelu Barbu Each artist who fulfils his destiny up to the zenith of glory becomes the founder of an island nostalgic about the continent. The creator does not represent a boastful, empty oneness but a world within a world. His original formula is achieved thanks

Interview With Magdalena Popa

Art critics acclaimed Magdalena Popa: She is one of the most dazzling stars of the century. She was regarded as a goddess of this art. Her small body expressed grace, a sort of ritual noblesse. Born in Bucharest, she graduated from the High School of Choreography and then


A first attempt at collecting in a book texts on personalities of Romanian dance or who have spent a decisive stage in their formation within the framework and in the atmosphere of a Romanian school is bound to be controversial. Although partial and subjective, the present

Music - A Mirror Of Specific Romanian Psychology

It has been justly stated by foreign researchers that the melancholy of the Romanian folk doina, transposed by the brilliant George Enescu into learned creation, in the characteristic and unmistakable lyricism of the people at the curvature of the Carpathians and the mouth

The Meaning Of Existence In Romanian Folk Poetry

excerpts Chapter IIISolitude Generally, the Romanian folk poetry shows a tendency toward an ideal and transparent world, which is full of serenity. The frequency of the optimistic motifs proves to what extent it would be good to know this surface only, but an inner disquiet

Three Romanian Conducting Maestros In One

Of all the great 20th century conductors, Egizio Massini was the only one who distinguished himself equally in three different fields (opera, symphonic music, and fanfare). Even if he made tours abroad conducting all threes types of music, opera was the genre that distinguished

Old-Court Philanderers

excerpts Que voulez-vous, nous sommes ici aux portes de l'Orient, où tout est pris à la légère. Raymond Poincaré*Welcoming the Philanderers…au tapis-franc nous étions réunis. L. Protat**Although no further than the night before I had promised myself under

A Journey Thorugh Somaliland

Sire,Dear Gentlemen and Ladies,The Somalis' Country, of which I have the honour of relating, stretches along the entire East Horn of Africa and is called Bar-as-Somal in the Somali language. The Somalis belong to the Mohammedan religion of the Shafi'ite sect and