The Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater
Managing Director, Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater Oleg Danovski's unquestioned merit lay in resisting the temptation of accepting to be turned into a ritual by the critique and the cultural bureaucracy, and in having launched, in the '80s, a first off the opera
Manuel Pelmuş - Interview
Contemporary dance choreographers work on gestures. They do not necessarily have to be beautiful or interesting, but simply natural. Every single emotion expressed. The dancer always performs something, interprets something, lives that moment either through gesture, movement
A Recital For All Those Who Love Dance
On May 20, on the occasion of the International Dance Day, the stage of the National Opera hosted a ballet recital. The performance proper was preceded by an opening speech by Mihai Brediceanu, the president of the Dancers', Choreographers' and Music Critics'
A New Contemporary Dance Company
None of the totalitarian regimes of this century had any particular liking for the modern art trends and made them eventually disappear from the area controlled by them. Too free a manifestation of one's personality meant escaping their power. In Nazi Germany just as
Workshop 1, 2, 3, 4
The forms of modern dance, present but not officially supported before 1990, appeared and survived due to the love for them of several choreographers and dancers who used to have the occasional show on various theatre stages. Their importance has been growing since the above
The New Generation Of Choreographers
Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies
1996 - Two International Awards
With good reason, Ion Caramitru, the new minister of culture, said in a recent television show that, if from the political and economic viewpoints we must still make efforts to align to the European standards, from the cultural point of view we have been in the European
Florin Fieroiu And The Marginals (Marginalii) Group
Marginalii, the contemporary dance group initially made up of Florin Fieroiu, Mihai Mihalcea, Cosmin Manolescu, and Irina Costea, was set up in 1992, and they are the enfants terribles of the current Romanian choreography. They are protesters, wiping out everything that