Filmul românesc strălucește la Berlinală: Cristi Puiu a câștigat Premiul pentru cel mai bun regizor cu "Malmkrog"
Cristi Puiu a fost distins sâmbătăseară cu Premiul pentru cel mai bun regizor la secțiunea Encounters în cadrul ceremoniei de gală a celei de-a 70-a ediții a Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Berlin. Este pentru a doua oară când prestigiosul eveniment îi
Succes răsunător în Israel al producției ”Rigoletto”, sub conducerea lui Tiberiu Soare
Ediția 2019 a Festivalului Internaţional de Operă de la Ierusalim, organizat de Primăria din Ierusalim, se desfășoară în perioada 9 iulie - 4 august 2019. Ca urmare a succesului constant de care se bucură participarea românească la Festivalul Internaţional de
S-a încheiat Ziua Francofoniei sărbătorită la sediul ONU din New York
ICR New York, în colaborare cu Misiunea Permanentă a României la ONU și cu Reprezentanța Permanentă a Organizației Internaționale a Francofoniei (OIF) la ONU, a organizat „La Soirée de la Francophonie”, un eveniment de diplomație culturală
„Tatăl meu, Lucian Blaga. Documentarul despre marele filosof va rula la Astra Film Festival – STIRILE TVR24 septembrie 2015 Puţini români ştiu că Lucian Blaga a fost la un pas de a aduce României în anii '50 un premiu Nobel pentru literatură. Comuniştii
The Bear Dance
The fact that there used to be a master of ceremonies in charge with keeping ceremonial customs confirms the magnitude of these sumptuous and typically Oriental manifestations. The Bear Dance, highly appreciated, took place regardless of the date. Victor Bilciulescu placed
Romanian Ornamental Wall Cloths With Zoomorphic And Avimorphic Motifs
from the collection of the Folk Art Museum in Tulcea see Gallery 1. General considerations In the context of the Romanian traditional fabrics ‘stergarele’ (cloths) represent a category with multiple functions: pieces for decorating or adorning the house , pieces
The History Of Nothing: Contemporary Architecture And Public Space In Romania
Richard Rogers Partnership proposal, 1996People's House (Parliament) After 1989: Methods of researching the built environmentResearching Communist architecture is a tricky endeavor in contemporary Romania, where some major actors of that era are still alive, some even
A History Of The Imaginary. The Truth Of The Myths
CHAPTER I Structures and Methods An Ambiguous Condition What if the history of the imaginary did not exist? Beyond all paradox, the question deserves to be raised. Following a hectic and contorted history, this discipline is hindered by theoretical and ideological difficulties.
The Accident
excerptStanding in front of the Corso building on Calea Victoriei one day, he felt someone's familiar gaze follow him from across the street, as if to catch his eye. He crossed over, as though answering a call, and discovered a picture of Ann among several other portraits
100 Years At The Gates Of The Orient
excerpts Episode no. 33At the Vizier[1] Meanwhile, not long after the crescent had entered a Christian cloud, much to the heathens' grief, three men's shadows on three horses' shadows were more like crawling than riding towards the vizier's palace.
The Psychology Of The Romanian People
Chapter IX. The Romanians' Religion and CultureIt has been said and very often repeated that the Christian church and religion saved our nation and country from destruction. This is a statement too often made and too little controlled. With as much grounds one may state
Conference On The Independent State Of Congo
excerptTo put it in a nutshell, there are three races living in Congo today:The Pygmies, scattered all over the territory and on the verge of extinction;Nuba, the invaders who live in the north – and, finallyThe Bantu, the most numerous. Several distinct and independent