
The Road Of The Pelicans

As it is quite rare in Romania, the pelican has been declared a monument of nature. There are two species, which are hard to differentiate: the white pelican (Pelecanus Onocrotalus) and the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus Crispus). The Dalmatian has red eyes and is slightly

Achilles' Heel At The Mouths Of The Danube

If ever there was an Achilles' heel in both ancient and recent European history, then that was the Danubian delta. The inferior course of the Danube has often been both a defensive and an offensive line for all the great empires establishing their political borders

The Book Of The Danube

excerpt Further down from Isaccea, at Ceatal, the Delta begins, as the Danube splits into the Chilia Arm, which flows along the Bessarabian bank. Downstream, after Tulcea, there is another Ceatal, whence the Danube splits in two: the Sulina Arm and the St George Arm. Let

The Danube Delta From 800 To 1900

The Delta has undergone tremendous changes over the centuries. The oldest written sources, from the Greek-Roman times, concur only partly; yet in majority they offer hints of modifications. Numerous ancient references have been used to identify and track down geo-morphologic

The Danube And Other Rivers

Mistress of the mouth of the Danube, Romania has a closer interest in the great river than any other nation. The Danube is to Romania not merely a great trade channel, connecting the Baltic and the North Sea with the Euxine; but since the river forms a delta comparable with

Romania: Population Structure By Ethnicity (2002 Census)

Romanians: 19,399,597 / 89. 47 % Hungarians: 1,431,807 / 6. 60 % Roma: 535,140 / 2. 46 % Ukrainians: 61,098 / 0. 28 % Germans: 59,764 / 0. 27 % Russian-Lipovans: 35,791 / 0. 16 % Turks: 32,098 / 0. 14 % Tatars: 23,935 / 0. 11 % Serbs: 22,561 / 0. 10 % Slovaks: 17,226

The Foreigners And The Modernization Of Bucharest

excerpts Short overview The modernization of Bucharest was a complex and dynamic historical process, spanning roughly the interval between 1848-1948, a period when the process of modernization of the Romanian society in its totality revolved around the town of Bucharest

The Truth Hides Behind Laws And Declarations

The National Minorities Issue In Romania When tackling the issue of national minorities in Romania, one should stick to the realities of the life of the ethnic groups in question. Most importantly, when discussing concrete steps for the protection of national minorities,

Proud Dislikes

Just like all the other peoples, when they don't hate them outright, many Romanians have less than a high opinion of their neighbors: Bulgarians are seen as coarse – but resourceful – vegetable growers, Hungarians – as bloodthirsty (but proud, hardworking, reliable)

Ideas And Ideology In Interwar Romania

For the Romanian cultural psyche, the interwar period still appears, after so many decades of indefatigable exegesis, as a real, alluring and embarrassing hortus conclusus, a closed garden of paradisiacal, yet so venomous intellectual flourishing. Major cultural achievements

Burse pentru traducători profesionişti

Programul de burse, derulat de ICR prin Centrul Naţional al Cărţii, îşi propune formarea unei noi generaţii de traducători ai literaturii române într-un număr cât mai mare de limbi străine, precum şi o colaborare mai strânsă cu traducătorii profesionişti