
The Beheaded Rooster

see movie trailer excerpt My grandfather was called Goldschmidt, H. H. I. G. Goldschmidt, and he came from Schirkanyen, near Fogarasch. He was a Saxon of Transylvania, coming from a family eight hundred years old! and, documents could prove it, a pure German for twenty five

The Germans In Romania

There had been groups of German colonists in all the historical provinces, which came to make up Greater Romania at the end of 1918. But these Germans had not immigrated into Romania: they had come to Bessarabia when it belonged to Russia (and was returned to Soviet Russia

History According To Spiro Zervas

Lend us some cash, do, till pay-day, now how's one supposed to react to such an entreaty, and at such short notice, too?, one may have or not have the money, but when one has an equally hard time making ends meet, when the gap between the lustre of respectability and

Triumphalus, Or The Sunset Of The Stallions

excerpt The Old Geezer had come again to the shore of the Black Sea to buy himself an eye. The other reason was to spend a honeymoon here. As a rule, he would go back with an extra honeymoon and the same number of eyes. Five years before, appalled as he was by the fact

Choix De Textes

POEMES I JOURNAL D'UN TEMPS HABITE (1980)ID'abord la merœil clignait sur le sableressac au rythme du cœurcontour effeuillé par le ventsouvenir du sommeil puis les jardinsde lilas de cerisespalissades chemins le pas des autresSous le bleu parasol des matinsà

Nationally-Specific Art In Interwar Romania

Art history is usually at ease when imposing its own concepts and technical terminology upon an apparently unconscious body of visual accomplishments called works of art. For art historians and art critics, art seemingly exists in order for theorists to put words on it and

On National Specificity, 1935

If I had had the courage to speak freely, directly, without resorting to these pages in front of me, and without caring about the serious language mistakes I may make in French – and which I will definitely make –, if I had the courage to start my free conversation with

Historical Ideas And Forms, 1919

Four Inaugural Lecturesexcerpts TWI ENI KAI PANTI 1. Our Life's DutyLecture to open the courses on Ancient History and The History of the Arts, held in the winter semester of MCMXIX-MCMXX at the University of Cluj, read on II November MCMXIX From one day to the next,

The Meaning Of Sacrifice For The Homeland

excerpt The reasons of the love for the HomelandThe need for a question: What is the love for the Homeland? Before long, a few hundred thousand of us, sons of this country, the flower of this generation, will be required to sacrifice our lives for the Homeland. Faced with

King Carol II And The Myth Of Eternal Romania

The historiographical approach is one of the fundamental elements of the political system which propaganda may serve. The legitimation of a political regime and its leader through the national historical pantheon represents a necessary action for the dynamism of the propagandistic

Romania Of Rebirth, 1939

Speech delivered at the 28 June 1939 session of the Chamber of Deputiesexcerpts (. . . ) We have had, esteemed members of the Chamber, Parliaments that claimed to be speaking in the name of democracy, and were all eagerly flaunting their concern for the working class or

The Mioritic Space, 1936

excerpts Cultural Differences The Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox spirits were favorable to different kinds of culture, each for itself and from its part. Catholicism favored the cultural creation that presupposes a massive creative front that is organized in one direction.