Killer Bears
More bear attacks occur each year, often in cities or villages, with human victims killed or severely wounded. Romania is now known as the country of the 6,000 bears, at a time when the optimum calculated number would be 4,400. So, this country has the largest number of
From The Mountains To The Sea
During autumn and winter, migrating peregrines come to our country from the north, looking for prey in the fields as well. However, the ones who nest here can also be seen in the mountains during the warm season. Another bigger bird of prey, which also lives in rocky regions,
Dogs And Romanians
Mihai Eminescu published an article entitled “What happens when dogs are not looked after” in Curierul de Iasi, no. 129 of 26 November 1876. The text was the following: “D. N. Pascu, deputy-prefect in Dorohoi, was bitten by a rabid dog while strolling on the streets
The Bull And The Magpie
Up and down the back of a big, black bull that looked appalling, one magpie was slowly strolling. A wee doggie passing by stopped to marvel at the sight. “He’s an idiot alright! Carrying everybody on his hide… Hey, maybe I can hitch a ride!” Thus considering,
On People And Horses
see photos an interview with Marian Chiseliţe, photojournalist Marian Chiseliţe, 31, has a degree in law but he never went into practice, although he very much wanted to. He had all sorts of jobs, even working as a “transport coordinator dispatcher” for a truck company,
A Canine Epiphany
Mister Kă is closely watching a pair of young-people-not-actually-young-seen-from-up-close, that pair of young-people-in-the-distance-who-look-different-from-up-close, that pair is getting on bus #92, the bus which is taking you, taking everybody, in the direction of the
Carpathian Bear Humiliated By Frustrated People
A few hectares of fenced land, where every saved bear has his own private space of several thousand square meters, a lair dug in the ground, and a water basin; the bears are properly fed and cared for. More, the money was also used to build a veterinary clinic, still at
Losing Endangered Species?
Our domestic fauna is not okay at all: we have 62 endangered species. These are in addition to the dozens of species already lost. Still, when it comes to diversity, we are doing fine: out of all countries we bring the largest number of bio-geographical regions to the European
REEDITARE / Dan Dinescu (fotografii), Andrei Pippidi (text) - Farmecul discret al Bucureştilor/ The Discreet Charm of Bucharest (ediţie bilingvă română-engleză), 250 p.
„(. . . ) talentul domnului Dinescu este de cel mai mare folos pentru toţi, nu numai pentru istoricii arhitecturii. Pentru fiecare generaţie măcar, astfel de cărţi trebuie să se facă – scrie Andrei Pippidi în prefaţa albumului. Cele peste 100 de imagini realizate
Adriana Cârcu - Povestea zilelor noastre. Artişti români plecaţi în lume, 2009, 404 p.
Adriana Cârcu (n. 1954, Timişoara) este licenţiată a Facultăţii de Filologie, secţia engleză, din Timişoara (1980). În anul 1988 părăseşte România, stabilindu-se în Germania. În prezent este redactor-şef la revista americană No Strings Attached E-News
19th-Century Bucharest In Graphic Art
by various artists
NR. 65 - primăvara 2008
SUMAR NR. 65 Pagini autobiografice Ryszard Kapuściński – Războiul fotbalului Ion Vianu – Ecerciţiu de sinceritate Dincolo de eveniment Perry Anderson – Înfăţişarea Europei Mircea Vasilescu – Când ideologia o ia înaintea adevărului Guillaume Dasquié