
A journey, whatever its aims, has immutable laws on the emotional plane. Thus, any pilgrimage to the Holy Places or the Orient, from the Bosphorus to the Caucasus, like blood always returning to the heart, is eventually a route that goes back to the homeland. by Florin

On Traveling And Hunting

excerptsThe greatest dream of my life, to see, with my very own eyes, the beauties and wonders of the tropical world, the hard nostalgia for those woods full of game from the Indian Archipelago, determined me to go on a hunting trip to Sumatra, together with my friend K.

Journey Around The Earth

You do not need a passport to travel to Egypt or to any other English colony. A visit card will do. In Alexandria, I made friends with the tropical flora: date trees that bear almost 100 kg of fruit each year, bananas or the cursed fruits because they grow without any effort

Preface To Extraordinary Travels, CD Press, 2001

excerptIn 1898, at the general assembly of the Romanian Geographic Society, its general secretary, George I. Lahovary, presenting a report on the activities performed the previous year, remarked that the Romanians had lately undertaken travels and even explorations of some

At Winder's - The Dragomans - Mishka - Ibrahim - A Motley Crowd

*On Handak street, which meets Anastase street a few steps away from the place where I'd eaten, the bustle was at its height. Although lazy and indifferent when they have nothing to do, Arabs are very much alive and quick when there's a chance of making some money.


True 'holy pilgrimages' are undertaken to the holy places beginning with the 14th century. Monks, laymen, young and old, well-off or needy, then also literati, leave everything behind and set out, on foot, by ship, on mules and camels, on the pious journey.


Either Bolintineanu – who wandered for almost ten years, from 1848 until 1857, his eyes 'dried up by the sight of so many foreign lands,' across Bulgaria, Palestine, Egypt, Macedonia, and Asia Minor – is an often saddened pilgrim (though he can also smile),

My Aunts From Tel Aviv

excerpt Big scandal occasioned by Remembrance Day and Independence Day (Yom Ha-Zikaron, Yom Ha-Hatzmaut), because the Minister of the Armed Forces ordered 40,000 Israeli flags in Taiwan instead of the domestic industry, preferring foreign silk,and this friend of mine who


As far as we are concerned, ties with the Orient are not new. Evidence dating from the 14th century, as I already mentioned, speaks of Wallachian pilgrims to Mount Athos and to holy places. To Romanians, the world of exoticism, colorfulness, mystery and other temptations


The moral picturesque is associated, in Dimitrie Ralet's Travel Souvenirs and Impressions from Romania, Bulgaria, Constantinople, 1858, with the ethnographic and lexical picturesque (He was a scrawny Turk, dressed in shalwar, jelek [vest] and kebe [cloak], with a raggedy


On this clear morning destined for the departure for Delphi I am unconsoled at having to leave Athens, where everything measures up to the artistic emotion. The distance between Athens and Delphi, on a well-kept road, is 243 kilometres. The itinerary includes a halt, around

Our Love Of Our Neighbor

excerpts We travel leisurely. The other passengers are discreet and nice. We cross a few borders almost without knowing it. After passing through Hungary without complications, we already believe in our lucky stars. Everyone's tongue loosens, recalling an episode of