Academia de Vară EUNIC
Academia de Vară EUNIC este mai mult decât un program anual, este deja o tradiţie şi un prilej extraordinar pentru tinerii angajaţi ai institutelor culturale membre EUNIC de a se cunoaşte şi de a intra în dialog despre posibile proiecte comune şi chiar despre viitorul
NR. 65 - primăvara 2008
SUMAR NR. 65 Pagini autobiografice Ryszard Kapuściński – Războiul fotbalului Ion Vianu – Ecerciţiu de sinceritate Dincolo de eveniment Perry Anderson – Înfăţişarea Europei Mircea Vasilescu – Când ideologia o ia înaintea adevărului Guillaume Dasquié
Voltaire - Candide sau optimismul, 2006, 118 p.
Candide este una dintre bijuteriile literaturii franceze, o bijuterie cu sclipiri amare, dar exaltante, aruncând spre noi o eternă întrebare: este omul un erou al faptei cotidiene, este el o marionetă mişcată de pura întamplare? Irina Mavrodin
Alexandrina Cernov, Ilie Luceac - Cernăuţi / Chernovtsy 1408-2008 (album), 2008, 158 p.
Fotografii: Mihail Cratofil Traducere în limba engleză: Samuel Onn Traducere în limba ucraineană: Alexandrina Cernov, Ilie Luceac Traducere în limba germană: Mariana Koch Albumul conţine o scurtă introducere în care este prezentată istoria de şase sute de ani
Con Los Rumanos De Barcelona: Sobre La Identidad Etnica Y ¿Mundializacion (Globalizacion)?
Aa lo largo del período de su estancia en España, Vintila Horia el exiliado, se sintió como si estuviese en su antigua casa que había vuelto a encontrar (Vintila Horia fue un europeo nacido en Rumanía y arraigado en España, que edita en París, Roma y Madrid sus novelas
The Difficult Beginnings Of A Superstar
An ancient symbol of war, because of its reddish color, Mars started with a low profile in the gallery of inhabited worlds. Up till the 19th century, it could bear no comparison with the Moon. In his Itinerarium exstaticum (1656), Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) proposed
For Writers Are All Jesters, And All The Jests Together: Literature
For writers are all jesters, and all the jests together: Literature In the history of literature, Tristan Tzara is regarded as the founder of Dada, an international literary and artistic movement, born in Zurich in 1916, with ramifications and outposts across three continents.
The 20th Century - The Century Of Avant-Garde
The year 1900. Europe's countries are divided on the question: does the 20th century begin in 1900 or in 1901? Some opt for 1900, by virtue of the change in the figure of the hundreds. Others are partisans of 1901, for reasons of more sophisticated arithmetic. Particular
Minority Major Artists
The early-20th-century major Romanian art is not a block, but a very particular construction of intertwined cultural layers. One could not affirm that the most fertile and valuable Modern cultural period of this country was characterized by a certain, homogenous Romanian
The Larva
It was almost closing time. I guess you all know what a horrible time that is! The waiters are all in a hurry not to miss the last tram that leaves Balcescu Square at ten past one; they are therefore busily collecting the tablecloths while the customers are still eating,
The Filigree Of Genius
The Secret Correspondence between Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle Halfway through last year, a genuine editor's bomb was being thrown on our cultural market: the Polirom publishing house based in Iaşi had issued – and was launching on 15 June – a volume of secret
The Diary Of Happiness
6 March 1960So I am finally taken out as well, led inside an office hid in that tiny niche of the arched corridor; examined, identified, undressed. I am only left one towel, one bar of soap, one toothbrush, one toothpaste, two pairs of socks, one shirt, one pair of underwear,