Burse pentru traducători în formare
Burse pentru traducători în formare Programul de burse, derulat de ICR prin Centrul Naţional al Cărţii, îşi propune formarea unei noi generaţii de traducători ai literaturii române într-un număr cât mai mare de limbi străine precum şi o colaborare mai strânsă
Bursieri "Nicolae Iorga" 2008-2010
SEVER –PETRU BOŢANNăscut în 1984. Între 2003 şi 2007 urmează cursurile Facultăţii de Istorie (specializare: Istorie-Engleză) a Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi. În 2006 este bursier Erasmus-Socrates la Universitatea „Aristotel din Tesalonic
Adrian Majuru - Familia Minovici. Univers spiritual, 2005, 270 p.
Volumul de fata urmareste sa recastige interesul publicului pentru istoria unei celebre familii bucurestene, ai carei membri s-au distins prin eforturi constante depuse in favoarea modernizarii institutionale a unei tari tinere. Din mostenirea culturala a familiei Minovici
Mihai Zamfir - Jurnal indirect. Scrisori portugheze, 2006, 264 p.
Zilele vieţii noastre seamănă în general una cu alta, deşi până la urmă fiecare rămâne unică: altfel n-ar exista specia Jurnalului. Sub semnul consemnării atente, dar tot indirecte, a scurgerii timpului, paginile de faţă le continuă pe cele intitulate Jurnal
Revista care poartă azi numele de Euresis a fost fondată în anul 1973 cu titlul Cahiers Roumains d'Études Littèraires (C. R. E. L. ) şi a apărut sub egida şi în regia editurii Univers condusă atunci de Romul Munteanu. Direcţia propriu-zisă a revistei i-a
Bucharest Described By Sulzer At The End Of The 18th Century
Among the foreign writers who passed through or stayed in Bucharest and who, on this occasion, wrote their impressions, is Franz Joseph Sulzer. He was from German Switzerland; he joined the Austrian army and due to his achievements became a captain. In 1776, Sulzer was invited
End Of Century In Bucharest
excerpts In the large house of the Barbus, in the Mogoşoaia Bridge Street, the main staircase was guarded by two bronze moors, carrying huge, crystal lamps. Upstairs, you climbed to the boyar's dwelling. Under the first steps, however, a narrow door opened toward the
The Soccer Match
The match, said the propaganda secretary, ought to represent the clear expression of the class solidarity of the Vintileasa agricultural workers with all the peoples of the world. And the match between the teams of Impetus-Vintileasa and New Road-Ţifeşti, decisive for
Journey Into The Unknown
For centuries now, every once in three years, The Feast of Immortality – Kumbh Mela, takes place alternatively in four Indian centers : Allahabad and Hardwar (Uttar Pradesh state), Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) and Nasik (Maharashtra). Descending from Vedic mythology, the feast
Gogu Georgescu And Gică Petrescu
On some days I feel universal when listening to Hora în căruţă (Jig in the Cart); I can even picture a cart then, all its joints rattling among the frozen missiles of the world. I get dizzy and a teardrop warms up the Murmansk under my eyelids. Hora Stacatto (Stacatto
Today's Menu
To readers of Rabelais' followers and lobster-thermidor buffs, la joie de vivre Romanian-style may contain a smack of garlic too much. Although, in all the historical provinces, each under a different rule and influence throughout the Middle Ages and even later, gastronomic
Andi Schönfeld
In 1962, Andi Schönfeld was a 16-year old, 1. 70 m tall, discretely freckled Jew with dark brown hair. All in all, he was rather lubberly, but with a crazy zest for life. But that story was one I only found out later. His father had been sentenced to death for espionage