
The Uprising

excerpts As he wandered out in the yard that night, as every night, actually, Platamonu saw the fire lights towards the East. He thought it should be in Teleorman, at the border of the district, or maybe in Izvoru. Anyway, it was a sign that the uprising was closing up

A Great Man

I had known Cucoanesh as far back as the first high school years, but we had never made friends. In university, I lost touch with him. I only learnt that he entered the PolytechnicUniversity. Meeting him, by accident, in a tobacconist's, he told me that he had graduated

Traviata On The Grass

excerpt When I first met her, she said she adored Pablo Neruda's poetry and La Fontaine's erotic fables, which are un petit secret délicieux and, once a month, she would listen to a fragment of Le Petit Prince, interpreted by Gérard Philippe. She also told me

On Love And More Than Love

It is amazing how many children are begotten from the sentimental exultation that one or the other of their parents feel for a third person, another than the partner in the respective action, irrespective if the person in question be a man or a woman. Sometimes this third

National Minorities Reflected In The Romanian Fundamental Laws

Romania is a national state, at least that is what every Romanian constitution agrees upon, and more than 20 national minorities, which are represented in the Romanian parliament, live on the territory of this state. It is not at all easy to live among such ethnic diversity,


The Ukrainians from Maramures and Bucovina – the GuzulsThe Ukrainian settlements in northern Moldavia and Maramures, situated in areas neighboring the Ukrainian ethno-linguistic massif and its prolongation, are the oldest in the country. Archeological and linguistic testimonies

The Roma In The Romanian Medieval Imaginary

The Roma Study Center, the History Faculty of the University of Bucharest I. The Roma's first contacts with the natives of the Romanian spaceThe Roma are a people hailing from India and their migration to Europe, in successive waves, spanned several centuries from the

Les Principautés Roumaines Devant L’Europe

Paris1856 Des trois empires qui bornent les Principautés, il en est un qui a sur elles certaines droits: c'est la Turquie. Mais ces droits sont nettement définis et limités dans les capitulations d'où ils tirent leurs origines. Le premier traité1 de la Valachie

Poids De La Moldovalachie Dans La Question D'Orient

La question d'Orient, question dont la gravité et les résultats précieux n'ont rien de comparable dans les annales de la diplomatie moderne, cette question, éminemment européenne, essentiellement anglo-française, offre une occasion heureuse de faire prévaloir

Les Principautés Roumaines

LES FANARIOTES DANS LES PRINCIPAUTES ET LES PREMIERES RELATIONS DES MOLDO-VALAQUES AVEC LES RUSSESAprès la prise de Constantinople par Mahomet II, les Grecs du Fanar, habitants de cette ville, et d'autres Grecs de la Roumélie, émigrèrent dans les différentes contrées

Femmes Peintres D'Autrefois

Editions Ziarul S. A. 1943 HERRADE DE LANDSBERG Quatre cent vingt ans après la mort de Sainte Odile, le monastère de Hohenbourg, tombé en ruine, délaissé, appauvri, s'éveillera sous les ordres énergiques d'Herrade de Landsberg, une descendante de la noble

Le Conseil Du Roi Charles

ESSAI SUR L'INTERNATIONALE CHRETIENNE ET LES NATIONALITÉS A LA FIN DU MOYEN ÂGE I. LE PROJET DE CROISADE DE CHARLES II D'ANJOU, ROI DE SICILEDans ses récentes considérations sur quelques problèmes de l'histoire des Croisades, M. J. L. La Monte, dont