
The Childhood Lane

excerpts II When my younger brother came into the world, the lane was waiting for him at the gate. He didn't know: he was so little! His home back then was a white cradle; mother's palms were the only lane he could walk on; mother's eyes – the only windows

The Children's Crusade

excerpt Attention on platform three! Please stand clear of the edge of platform three! The special train is now arriving from Oradea! Attention on platform three! Please stand clear of the edge of platform three! The special holiday train is now arriving from Oradea! The

Teodosie The Little

excerpt The Catdog was in a great big huff and, in order to make it more obvious to Teodosie that he was out of sorts, he kept opening and closing the drawers and doors of the cupboards with a loud bang. What is it you are looking for in the cupboard, Teodosie demanded to

Andilandi - Vlad's Journey To The Other Realm

excerpt  THE OTHER REALM To those who may wonder who or what Andilandi can be, I will tell that it is not a child. As I will tell them that it is not the name of a cuddling pet or of some computer game (at least not yet). Andilandi is not even the name of a remarkably

Whirligig With Wing

excerpt I May the flame of Saint Vitus strike you, bubblehead! and the slaps shot out in pair like two barrels firing in unison. The one to give them was a very upset Simion Mandruta, and the one to receive them was his rascal of a son, Toader, thin like a rake, fair-haired,

The Purse A'Tuppence

Once there was an old woman and an old man. The old bag had a hen and the old man, a rooster; the woman's hen laid eggs twice a day and the hag would eat a barrel of eggs; and to the greyhead she would give none. One day, the old man lost his temper and spoke:Old woman,

One Good Year's Ass And Sure Man's Pass

One day Nassredin the Hajji, down a lane and past a rail,Walking, caught in so much wonder one rich sight, beyond the pale:In a rich man's yard an ass foal gaudily bedecked was, all,Clad in very gaudy harness gold embroidered and preparing for a day's big festival

The Story Of Pacala

Pacala has been a movie hero since as early as 1915. The most recent film, on a much lighter note than the story above, is Pacala's Return, or Pacala 2 (2006), directed by Geo Saizescu (who also directed Pacala, 1974 - click here to see preview), and subject to harsh

Nobody's Children?

Abuse in the family. Abuse in the institutions. Poverty and the non-intervention of social services. The lack of mechanisms to enforce the law. In time, all this led to the increase of the number of children who live and work on the streets. According to statistics produced

The Danube Delta - Remember

Whenever one talks about the beauties of our country and its tourist potential, the first words on the speaker's lips are: the Danube Delta. Unfailingly accompanied by the phrase biosphere reserve. Sometimes, the fact that it is a wetland of international importance

The Involvement Of The Romanian Ornithological Society In The Protection Of Birds

Romanian Ornithological Society Area Manager, Tulcea Branch A few years ago I was the guide to the Danube Delta of a member of the British Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. He had been to many reservations, not only in Europe, and at the end of the day, when we

The Bystroye Canal In The Ukrainian Danube Delta

SUMMARY On May 11 2004, the Ukrainian government officially launched the construction of a canal to aid shipping through the Danube Delta. The actual digging started on 16 May 2004. The Government has chosen a route called the Bystroye Canal that will cut through the heart