
The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The Exceptional Value

It's been a long time since, at the Romanian Opera, I have assisted at a première with an allure of great show as it is now Mihaela Atanasiu's Peer Gynt. An authentic première, not the remake of a show put out of the program for a while, not the resumption, either,

I Don't Have Any Nostalgia For Princes Charming - Interview With Tiberiu Almosnino

Vivia Săndulescu: Tell me, Tiberiu Almosnino, how many years have you been serving the opera?Tiberiu Almosnino: I graduated from the Choreography High School in Bucharest in 1981, and the same year I was hired at the Romanian Opera, following a contest. So… VS: If you

A Dance To The Music Of Words

I have often wondered why dance should necessarily be accompanied by music. The lines of a poem have their own sounds, rhythm and balance. Poetry is not made of such stuff as ideas, dreams or feelings, but of words, and their worldly counterpart, the sounds. Even the prose

Stravinsky Soirée

BALLET OPENING NIGHT AT THE NATIONAL ROMANIAN OPERA The two ballets staged by Alexa Mezincescu in her recent premiere on the boards of the National Romanian Opera in Bucharest, The Firebird and The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky, marked, at the moment of their creation

Corina Dumitrescu - Interview

A few years elapsed from our last interview – enough for a change of viewpoint in retrospect. What do you think was more important in your career: school, college or practicing at the theatre? I'm asking this considering the common perception according to which most

The International Festival Of Choreographic Creation Iaşi 1993, 2nd Edition

Iaşi proved to be, for the second time, an excellent host for The Competition-Festival of choreographic creation with international participation, initiated last year by the ballet critic Dan Brezuleanu, the director of the Festival. The artists benefited from a modern

Christine Bastin - Interview, 1991

A complex cultural program begins this month in Bucharest: La danse en voyage, organized by France for Romania. Six contemporary dance companies from France will come monthly to Bucharest, Iaşi, Timişoara, Cluj and Constanţa. Mrs. Christine Bastin, you are the first choreographer

Marin Boeru

Once upon a time, the Choreography High School in Cluj was renowned for the quality of the dancers who graduated there, as if in Transylvania there were more handsome, gifted boys than elsewhere. For once, in 1973, the Bucharest Opera opened its doors to an exceptional generation

The Balletto Classico Company In Bucharest

Should we try to mark on the map of Europe the places where, during the last twenty years, the first Romanian ballet masters have been shining, whose names figure in international dictionaries of dance, we would have to cover the map from Stuttgart to the Canary Islands

George Iancu - Interview

The stars of ballet travel almost ceaselessly: Paris today, Rome or Buenos Aires tomorrow, then prepare for a new destination. Gheorghe Iancu, dancer of Romanian origin, settled in Milan 24 years ago, is one of these Guest Stars. His body's sculptural perfection, his

A Continent Dreamt By An Island

A talk with Gelu Barbu Each artist who fulfils his destiny up to the zenith of glory becomes the founder of an island nostalgic about the continent. The creator does not represent a boastful, empty oneness but a world within a world. His original formula is achieved thanks