

Cuckoo. . . cu-ckoo!. . . in the garden,Cuckoo. . . cu-ckoo!. . . in the grove,All along the springtime seasonThe world of trees we always rove.  Tiny birds, with gray down feathers,And with our fearless flight,All the trees in our forestKnow and love and see us right.

The Boar With The Silveren Tusk

1A Levantine Prince with a liking for hunting,was gliding through forests of darkness unsaidbreaking his trail through the thicket sans shuntingand playing an ivory flute as he said: 2'Come, pray, let us look for, in forests unfathomed,the blood-minded beast with the

The Death of Castor

A few years ago, on a day in September, I had been walking alone and aimlessly through the streets, seized by an unutterable wanderlust triggered by the infinite blue of the sky and the dizzying charm of autumn when, all of a sudden, at a crossroads, I came up against the


excerpt I was a boy around thirteen when I first learned how to wield a rifle – though I confess that, ever since, I have made no progress in this craft, quite the contrary, I dare say! I had accompanied my old man to Whitepond Baths, that had seen the cream of the crop

Monkeys Without Rights

The article of Peter Singer about monkey rights and human rights published in the 232nd issue of Dilema veche praises the recent approval by the Commission for the Environment, Agriculture and Fishing of the Spanish Parliament concerning the Great Project regarding monkeys.

Hunting Stories Are From God

The apprentice I have already told you about had a whole year's hunting under his belt. Quite a poor campaign it had been, with only a few victories, yet rich in teaching and personal observation. The woodcocks darted through the twilight sky of a meadow like huge bats;

The Dog

They say Elena Ceauşescu used to watch porn films and make love with Şarona and Corbu. The two labradors only ate real sausages, in contempt of a whole nation that didn't even know the taste of meat, gorged as they were with sausages made of soy, grissle and mouse

The Bear Tricked By The Fox

Once upon a time, there was a sly fox, as foxes are. She'd been prowling for food all night and couldn't find any. When dawn broke, the fox came out to the side of the road and lay down under a bush, wondering what else she could do to find something to eat. As

Pike Fishing World Champions

see article in Romanian Romanians have won the Pike Fishing World Cup!While electrical poachers were plundering the fishing grounds in the Danube Delta, 3000 km to the north, in Lapland, Romanian fishermen managed to demonstrate to their fellow countrymen that pikes may

The Mole

Today, from her dark and humid lairChildren have hoed a mole bare… Soft body, cool as the soilFaint gloss, like the hair of the deadIn front of them, she stilled in awful dread,She didn’t look, she didn’t screamBut, out of fear,She crouched and shed a tear.  And

The Collections Of The ‘Grigore Antipa’ National Museum Of Natural History

see Gallery The cultural and historical essence, identity and creative source of a nation all reside in its cultural heritage. It therefore has considerable historical, aesthetic, sociological and scientific value, and should be protected by society through laws, institutions

The Diversity Of Fauna In The Vadu Area

 Greek tortoise in Dobruja (Testudo graeca ibera) (CONSTANTA COUNTY), PART OF THE DANUBE DELTA BIOSPHERE RESERVE The many and diverse species of animals and plants seen in the Danube Delta, many of which have a high scientific, ecological and esthetical value; the patchwork