Xylobiont Coleopterans

Can forests of the Carpathians be a reference point for the virgin forests of the Central Europe? The proof for this is represented by xylobiont Coleopterans Over recent years many German experts specialising in forestry have visited forests in Romania and Ukraine. On these

Biodiversity Protection Beyond 2010

The real chance that Romania has to shelter the most numerous populations of bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes (almost 33,800 species of animals, out of which 33,085 are invertebrate and 707 are vertebrate) is what inspired us to extend this invitation to the world. The

A Vision Of Paradise

The Retezat National Park is a vision of paradise, truly one of the wonders of the world An interview with Zoran Acimov, Director of the Retezat National Park, by Ion Longin Popescu The blue-eyed realm, that's how tourist guides introduce the place when they talk

The Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geo-park

The Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geo-park ( is, above all, the place where history may be studied in all of its layers, but also an area where palaeontologists are on a double watch – for fossils and for dinosaur bone thieves. In 1975, when the representatives of the Bucharest

The Bear Tricked By The Fox

Once upon a time, there was a sly fox, as foxes are. She'd been prowling for food all night and couldn't find any. When dawn broke, the fox came out to the side of the road and lay down under a bush, wondering what else she could do to find something to eat. As

The Collections Of The ‘Grigore Antipa’ National Museum Of Natural History

see Gallery The cultural and historical essence, identity and creative source of a nation all reside in its cultural heritage. It therefore has considerable historical, aesthetic, sociological and scientific value, and should be protected by society through laws, institutions

The Diversity Of Fauna In The Vadu Area

 Greek tortoise in Dobruja (Testudo graeca ibera) (CONSTANTA COUNTY), PART OF THE DANUBE DELTA BIOSPHERE RESERVE The many and diverse species of animals and plants seen in the Danube Delta, many of which have a high scientific, ecological and esthetical value; the patchwork

Seahorses From The Black Sea Are Facing Extinction

see image The reservation is decaying because the Grigore Antipa National Research Institute doesn't have any more funds to administrate it. Tourists, who often have access to the border of the reservation, take the seahorses home as souvenirs. Few tourists who come

The Balta Mica A Brailei Natural Park

see site Balta Mica a Brailei, a quagmire of international interest (RAMSAR site), is the last natural vestige existing on the inferior course of the Danube, after the draining of the Interior Delta (Balta Brailei and Balta Ialomitei) where at present complex aquatic and


Jurnalul Naţional, 24 noiembrie 2009 Autor: Costin Anghel Cântecul românesc s-a făcut auzit serile trecute în inima Timocului sârbesc, la Bor. România a trimis la fraţii ei mai mici pe unul dintre cei mai de seamă interpreţi ai ţării, pe maestrul Tudor Gheorghe.

Rodna Mountains National Park

see www. parcrodna. ro Fauna. The study of invertebrates has made evident the great diversity of species, many of them being endemics and relicts.  28 species of enchytraeidae have been identified and 12 species of lumbricidae, Allolobophora carpatica being a Northern

Rare, Vulnerable, Endangered Birds In Romania

excerptsThis work puts forth essential data on a number of 101 bird species in the Romanian fauna, which are rare, vulnerable and endangered. Emphasis is laid on the hatching populations, on recent and current tendencies, on factors imposing limitations on the existence