On The Generation In Shambles, 1936
The generation preceding us gave several peaks: Ion Barbu, in poetry, Tudor Vianu, creator of aesthetic systems, none of the most refined, but solid nonetheless, Lucian Blaga, in metaphysics and the philosophy of culture, Nae Ionescu, Cezar Petrescu, novelist of failures,
King Carol II And The Myth Of Eternal Romania
The historiographical approach is one of the fundamental elements of the political system which propaganda may serve. The legitimation of a political regime and its leader through the national historical pantheon represents a necessary action for the dynamism of the propagandistic
Intellectuals And Their Radical Political Involvement: Reflections And Subsequent Perceptions
In the last decades, particularly after the collapse of the communist regimes, ardent debates have taken place regarding the political commitment of certain great intellectuals and writers, generating even theoretical and philosophical reflections, concerning the relationship
Due to a perverse intellectual precocity, Barutzu confuses literature with lard. . . You'll get a D in Romanian! Daddikins shouted at him, offended in his pedagogy. Barutzu feels no emotion whatever. He aberrantly lacks the common sense of merit, the patriotism of class
The Offensive Of Childhood
I was never a child, I never had childhood… warm, golden days of puerile frenzy, the long-lasting serenity of innocence, the surprise given by the daily discovery of the universe, what do all these mean to me? I know nothing of them, or I no longer remember anything. I
Have today you have seen Tatters,with his eyes glossy as platters?He's a shabby little thingfor a dog – a raggy kingpatched together, as it seems,stuttering-bursting at the seams – with his rags to swirl about'cross his eyes and pugly snout,and a matty coat,
You've never seen angels, because angels come only after children fall asleep and leave before children start to open their eyes. Their eyelashes haven't opened yet, and the angels already have fled. Each child has an angel of his own that takes care of him when
EURESIS nr. 1-4 / 2011
Ediție în limbile engleză și franceză Le concept de presence / The Concept of Presence Cuprins Argument MICHEL DEGUY – À eclipses J. HILLIS MILLER – The presence to Oneself in Decision-Making MIRCEA MARTIN – Poésie et Présence: pour un réenchantement du